PERSGA Training Programme 2008

General Training – PERSGA HQs

PERSGA will offer a number of multidisciplinary training workshops that intersects with all PERSGA programmes and activities in the of 2008 as per the following schedule:


Title of training


Deadline for Application


Fees (US$)


Economic Valuation of the Marine and Coastal Resources

April 6-8
March 16

Human health and marine environment

May 25-27
April 25

Red Sea tectonics Assessment, preparedness and response

June 22-24
May 20
4. Compensation of Coral Reef Damage by Ship/Boat Groundings
July 27-29
June 26
5. Developing Sustainable Development Index (SDI) for the Marine and Coastal Ecosystems
6. Assessing Vulnerability of Coastal and Marine Environment to Climate Change
Nov 8-10
September 10


Specialized Training – Navigation & Maritime Pollution – PERSGA / MEMAC

PERSGA will offer a number of specialized training workshops related to navigation and maritime pollution at the PERSGA/MEMAC HQ in the year of 2008 as per the following schedule:


Title of training


Deadline for Application


Fees (US$)


‘On-Scene Commanders’ at oil spills, National Contingency Plans and Oil spill preparedness and response

Jul 5-7


The Regional Protocol on “Movement of Personnel, Equipment and Materials in Case of Emergency”

July 7-9 June 6 PERSGA/MEMAC




Oil Spill Sensitivity Mapping


Oct 25-28


May 7






Specialized Training – Navigation & Maritime Pollution – PERSGA / MEMAC

PERSGA will offer a number of specialized training workshops related to navigation and maritime pollution at the PERSGA/MEMAC HQ in the year of 2008 as per the following schedule:

Objectives of Economic Valuation of the Marine and Coastal Resources workshop

Train the participants in order to be able to prepare “the Economic Valuation Tool” which will be used to identify the existing and potential economic value of the coastal and marine environment and implement measures to integrate the environment into the socio-economic development processes in the Region.

Objectives of ‘On-Scene Commanders’ at oil spills workshop

To enhance the capacities of the member countries and to improve the overall performance of the focal points at the regional level with respect to the implementation of the contingency plans during emergencies through:

  • Identifying the key needs and mechanism for implementation of the contingency plans during emergencies;
  • Clarifying the role of MEMAC during emergencies;
  • Preparing for a practical training on communication during incidents;
  • Considering a number of models for combating oil pollution and selecting the appropriate one for PERSGA’s procurement and implementation in the benefit of its member countries.

Objectives of Human health and marine environment workshop

The purpose of the training is to improve the capacity of environmentalists and scientist of the RSGA Region to understand:

  • The links between the coastal and marine resources and human health;
  • Issues and Solutions:
    1. Ecosystems changes/ environmental issues/ Loss of coastal and marine biodiversity and habitats (Coral reef, Fish stock, Etc)/ Climate change;
    2. The consequences of ecosystem change for health (have changed or might change)/or health threats of different environmental issues;
  • Actions required to address these consequences/issues (opportunities and challenges for environment and health policies).

Objectives of the Oil Spill Sensitivity Mapping workshop

The making of sensitivity maps – and keeping them up to date – is a key activity in the contingency planning process. The maps should be based on surveys of the coastline and should be designed to achieve two principal aims. First, the maps should identify, and ideally place in order of priority, environmentally sensitive areas, which would have priorities for protection in the event of a major spill. Secondly, the maps should classify the coastline according to the type of beach (e.g. sandy, pebbles, rocks, cliffs, etc.) since the clean up methods will vary depending upon the type of shoreline that needs to be cleaned.

Sensitivity maps can either be on paper or the data can be contained within a Geographic Information System (GIS). The results of the sensitivity mapping process should either be contained in, or linked to, the National Contingency Plans.

Objectives of the Red Sea tectonics Assessment workshop

Main objective
The main objective of the workshop is to provide detailed identification of the geology and tectonic activities in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Region and to improve response to natural disasters resulting from tectonic activities.

Specific objectives
The specific objectives of the workshop are:

  • Improving the regional and national capacities in providing primary assessments of seismic, tsunami and volcanic hazards for the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden region leading to decreased damage, reduced costs, improved safety and security and better informed decisions on development of resources and infrastructure.

  • Enhancing member states capabilities towards mandated obligations for provision of seismological and other technical information related to probable or actual occurrence and intensity of earthquakes.

  • Enhancing member states capabilities towards fulfillment of regional and international obligations for exchange of seismic data, volcanic ash warnings, and tsunami warnings

  • Improving the regional and national capacities in providing public information service for earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic events and associated hazards

  • Improving the regional and national capacities in providing input into integrated hazard assessment and mitigation initiatives.

Objectives of the Regional Protocol on “Movement of Personnel, Equipment and Materials in Case of Emergency” workshop

The workshop will discuss and review the draft agreement and consider the significance of such agreement for the conservation of the region and its environment as well as its impact on economic activities. Further, the workshop will formulate outlines for the implementation of the agreement and its annexed protocols.

Objectives of the Compensation of Coral Reef Damage by Ship/Boat Groundings workshop

The concerned issue needs more than one workshop and the present one will be focus on:

  • Discuss the concept of the compensation and its relative biological, ecological, economical, and legal subjects;
  • Exchange the countries experience in the compensation issue;
  • Pilot approach to standardize general regional guide for compensation;

Objectives of the Developing Sustainable Development Index (SDI) for the Marine and Coastal Ecosystems workshop

The workshop will train participants on how to develop an RSGA-specific Sustainable Development Index (SDI) for the Region’s marine and coastal Ecosystems.

As a starting point, participants will review existing models of environmental and sustainable development assessment, primarily those outlined in the 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index (Yale Centre for Environmental Law and Policy) and A Handbook for Measuring the Progress and Outcomes of Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management (the UNESCO International Oceanographic Committee). Based on this, participants will then identify and consolidate a Regionally-responsive list of indicators that can be used to design an SDI for the marine/coastal Ecosystems of the PERSGA Region.

Establishing the PERSGA-SDI is critical to assessing the sustainable development and environmental stewardship of the PERSGA Member States, to allow a point of comparison among them and with other areas in the world, and to provide a gauge and warning mechanism for trends over time. As such, an SDI is significant for informing the management cycle and identifying priority actions that should be implemented to avoid potential downturns in Regional sustainability.

Objectives of the Introduction to Ballast Water Management workshop

Strengthening national and regional capacity for an effective implementation of the Convention on the “Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments” using IMO GloBallast Train-X Training Package

Objectives of the Assessing Vulnerability of Coastal and Marine Environment to Climate Change workshop

To provide the theoretical background and practical training on approaches and methodologies currently used in vulnerability assessment of coastal and marine environment, with emphasis on

  • Understanding drivers and likely impacts of climate change on coastal and marine environment. Risks to public investment-infrastructure, natural resources, biodiversity, socio-economy, heritage and health in the coastal areas.
  • Data requirements for the vulnerability assessments.
  • Methods and models currently used in assessment of vulnerability.
  • Role of disseminating scientific knowledge and information to assist communities and stakeholders in adapting to the impacts of climate change.
  • Risk predictions, assessment and management; early warning and disaster management with regard to climate change.
  • Observation system for detecting climate change in coastal and marine environment.
  • Developing scenarios on the basis of potential trends, long-term prediction, forecasting, and use of models.
  • Socioeconomic integration, models, data and stakeholder analysis.

1. Application process

Who Can Participate?

This training programme is specially designed and organized for applicants from PERSGA member countries with special qualifications for each training course.
Those outside the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden region with their own funding source can also apply.

How to participate:

Please note the deadline for application of each course in the schedule above; applications submitted after closing date will not be considered

Participants from the PERSGA Region (Red Sea and Gulf of Aden)

Interested applicants must:

  • Complete the application form (attached) in typewritten format and duly signed. The application form can be downloaded from the PERSGA website at ; by writing to PERSGA at ( ); and or by contacting the PERSGA national Focal point;

  • Submit the application form, together with updated CV and recent passport copy, to PERSGA (fax: 00966 2 6521901 or scan and email
    to: ) at or before the deadline of submission for each training programme. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered;

  • PERSGA will evaluate the applicant's qualifications and credentials and send an official acceptance to those who are qualified to participate in the training courses. PERSGA will also inform the Focal points of the list of accepted applicants from their respective countries. The selection will be based on a special criteria designed for each course.

Participants from countries outside the PERSGA Region should:

Interested applicants must:

  • Write to the PERSGA Secretary General and indicate which training courses the participant would like to attend.

  • Indicate the sponsoring agency or funding sources which will support the applicant's participation in the training course(s).

  • PERSGA will evaluate the applicant's qualifications and credentials and send an official acceptance to those qualified to participate in the training course(s).

2. Logistic

PERSGA will send a logistic note to each participant prior to the workshop. However, in general PERSGA will assist the applicants in the following:

PERSGA will assist the applicants in acquiring the appropriate visa required for his/her stay.

For participants funded by PERSGA, economy class travel ticket through the most direct route to the venue of the training will be provided.

PERSGA will assist in providing hotel reservations. However, participants should be responsible to pay their own hotel bills.

PERSGA will not provide any insurance coverage. Participants in this training are expected to arrange their own insurance without any related commitment by PERSGA.

3. Cost of participation

The cost of each training is divided between participation fee (as per the above schedule), accommodation cost and regional/international travel costs to and from the training location. The participation fee covers all training cost such as lectures, training materials, field visits and certain social activities as well as accommodation costs include board and lodging. Personal expenses are not included.

Funding Support

  • PERSGA may provide funding to support qualified applicants from the region (1 or two form each PERSGA Member States) who were officially nominated by the PERSGA Focal Points. Funding will cover fees, hotel accommodation, round trip airfare and meals.
    Per Diem Allowance
    According to the authorized direct route, participants funded by PERSGA will be paid a lump sum allowance in accordance to PERSGA's Financial Rules and Regulations. This allowance is intended to cover accommodation costs, meals, gratuities and any other incidental expenses during the period of the training. No expenses other than this allowance are reimbursable.

  • For other accepted applicants from the region PERSGA will cover course fees only; they have to fund their travel and accommodation costs.

  • Applicants from countries outside the PERSGA region can also participate in the program provided they have their own funding support.

4. For more information:

Please visit our website ( regularly for updated information.
Alternatively, please you can contact us at:
Postal address:
P.O. Box 53662
Jeddah 21583,Saudi Arabia
Tel: 00966 2 6573224
Fax: 00966 2 6521901