Green Pack a hit with MEPs

May 21, 2007


MOMENTOUS OCCASION: Commissioner Dimas (left) exchanges words in Brussels with Toyota's Steel and REC Executive Director Marta Szigeti Bonifert. Photo: Marta Bonifert
The REC's environment education toolkit, the Green Pack, was introduced in Brussels during a high-level presentation at the European Parliament on January 31. The event took place under the patronage of Stavros Dimas, European commissioner for the Environment, and was opened by Nikoloas Sufinakis, MEP and chairman of the European Parliament's Education and Culture Committee.

In addition to welcoming environmental attaches and other governmental organisations accredited in Brussels, the REC also invited business and media representatives to the event.

The REC's Robert Atkinson and Kliment Mindjov were on hand in Brussels to introduce and provide information about the Green Pack, which has won high praise from educators and environmentalists alike. Also joining in with enthusiastic remarks during the proceedings were Toyota Vice-President Piet Steel, Hungarian MEP Peter Olajos and Italian MEP Alfredo Antoniozzi.