GreenLight Programme shines on non-residential sector

May 21, 2007

New, energy-efficient lighting has been installed in this Ikea store in Ostrava, Czech Republic. Photo: GreenLight Programme

Boosting the amount of efficient lighting in commercial and public buildings and outdoor spaces will play a major role in achieving European CO2 reduction goals. At the same time, more energy-efficient lighting can reduce dependence on energy imports, expand business opportunities for European Union-based industries, and help to improve working conditions.

The GreenLight Programme is part of a comprehensive strategy set out in the Energy Efficiency Action Plan, and has been developed to facilitate the penetration of efficient lighting systems in the non-residential sector. Furthermore, the REC's Czech Country Office plans to submit an application to endorse the programme.

The current economic trend toward increased private investment in efficient lighting will be stimulated through raising public awareness, public relations activities, and through steering public support programmes toward GreenLight Programme objectives.

In serving as a catalyst for developing key sectors of energy-efficient lighting, the programme can send clear positive signals and encourage further investment in such development initiatives.

GreenLight is a voluntary programme through which private and public organisations and companies can commit to upgrading lighting systems in existing spaces wherever and whenever energy savings justify such an investment, and to install the most efficient lighting systems available in new building.

GreenLight "partners" will aim to pursue and achieve the following objectives via programme participation: to upgrade lighting in existing facilities; to build all new facilities with energy-saving technology; to reduce operating costs; to improve light quality and worker productivity; to prevent the emission of greenhouse gases and other pollutants; and to improve economic performance.

Partners have permission to use the GreenLight logo, and programme-related activities may be included in other related promotional activities, such as awards presentations, catalogues, advertising or other company literature.

GreenLight benefits from the active support of the national energy agencies and institutions of 26 European countries.

For more information, please contact Juraj Krivosik at