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Project Co-ordinating Unit
Written by Chris Paterson   
Friday, 02 February 2007

The Project Co-ordinating Unit

Project Director - Dr. John C. Pernetta

Project Director. Trained in Ecology at Oxford, Dr Pernetta is an expert in coastal zone management who worked from 1973-1990 in developing countries in the Pacific, teaching resource and environmental management at University level. Prior to assuming responsibility for the PCU, John worked in the GEF Division of UNEP, in Nairobi for five years, and before that as Scientific Director of the LOICZ project of the IGBP.
Dr. John C. Pernetta
Expert - Mr. Christopher Paterson

Chris worked for UNEP on the South China Sea Project from 2004-2009. Prior to joining the project he had worked as a Lecturer in Marine Policy and Management at the Australian Maritime College, and for the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.  Following closure of the SCS project in 2009, Chris joined the UNDP/UNEP/GEF Pacific IWRM Project and is now based in Fiji. Chris is a graduate of Southern Cross University's Centre for Coastal Management and AMC's Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Environment. He is undertaking a post-graduate research degree with the University of Wollongong's Faculty of Law in his spare time.
Mr. Christopher Paterson
Programme Assistant - Mrs. Unchalee Pernetta

Khun Unchalee has more than 15 years experience working in administrative and programme management roles within the United Nations system. Her service started with the UN Cambodian-Thai Border Relief Operation in 1989, which led her to a post with UNTAC in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 1992-1994. She then moved to the UNEP-EASRCU in 1994, where she worked until she joined the PCU in 2002.
Mrs. Unchalee Pernetta
Team Assistant - Ms. Saranya Rojananuangnit

Khun Saranya Rojananuangnit joined the Project Co-ordinating Unit on 14th June 2006. Khun Saranya worked as an Assistant Executive Secretary with HSBC for three years following her graduation from Thailand's Thammasat University in 2002. Prior to joining the PCU, she spent a year in the United Kingdom studying English and digital design.
Ms. Saranya Rojananuangnit

The Project Co-ordinating Unit


 Dr. John C. Pernetta

 Project Director

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(66 2) 288 1670

 Mr. Christopher Paterson

 Fisheries Expert

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(66 2) 288 1116

 Mrs. Unchalee Pernetta

 Programme Assistant

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(66 2) 288 1670

 Ms. Saranya Rojananuangnit

 Team Assistant

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(66 2) 288 2608

 Mr. Reynaldo Molina


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(66 2) 288 2606

UNEP/GEF Project Co-ordinating Unit
United Nations Environment Programme
2nd Floor, Block B, United Nations Building
Rajdamnem Nok Avenue
Bangkok 10200, THAILAND
Fax: (66 2) 288 1094

Shouth China Sea Project


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