Analysis of new opportunities for usage of dispersants in the Baltic Sea (2005-2008)
With reference to HELCOM Recommendation 22/2 “Restricted use of chemical agents and other non-mechanical means in oil combating operations in the Baltic Sea Area”, it has been decided that, due to the sensitive ecological conditions in the Baltic Sea area, response to oil should take place by the use of mechanical means as far as possible. Response by using dispersants should be limited, sinking agents should not be used at all and absorbents only when appropriate. However, the use of dispersants is not prohibited, only recommended to be limited.
The first results of the Project revealed that the knowledge about the effectiveness of using dispersants to combat an oil spill in the Baltic Sea is very limited. The lack of information on properties of oils being transported in the Baltic, including Russian crude oil and bunker oil, which is a prerequisite for effective selection of dispersants to be used, has been identified on many occasions.
To further support the HELCOM Project, and as its new component, Sweden initiated the Project “Properties of Russian oils and the applicability of dispersants”, which was carried out in April 2007 – December 2008 and was financially supported by DG Environment, Sweden and Denmark.
The results of this Project are available at:
The Project aimed to access the latest information and the best knowledge within the field of dispersants in order to come up with revised recommendations that promote the best environmental practice and best available techniques within oil spill response.
The Project further aimed at collecting information on the Russian oil being transported in the Baltic Sea and its physical, chemical and weathering properties.
The Project activities included:
- Revision of new scientific knowledge available in the field of usage of dispersants
- First meeting of the project held on 1-2 February 2005 in Karlskrona, Sweden
- Workshop on the use of dispersants with invited experts from an advanced research institute, held on 26-27 April 2005, in Riga, Latvia, in connection with HELCOM RESPONSE 5/2005
- Second meeting of the project to discuss market for dispersants, time window for use of dispersants and specific conditions of the Baltic Sea, held on 25-26 August 2005 in Karlskrona, Sweden
- Analyses of samples of oil transported in the Baltic Sea to determine chemical and physical properties and to explain how examined oil changes over time after a spill (weathering)
- Assessment of the possible need for revision/amendment of the HELCOM Recommendation
Project Management
Swedish Coast Guard HQ, Sweden