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Zooplankton Expert Network (2003 - 2005)


Zooplankton link primary production and fish in the Baltic Sea food web and are an important component in the HELCOM COMBINE monitoring programme.


The aim of the project is to provide a forum for those involved in the Baltic Sea zooplankton monitoring to share information on methodological aspects of collecting and analyzing samples, data storage, statistical treatment, quality assurance and taxonomical aspects of zooplankton research.  


The project has a homepage which was established by the Baltic Sea Research Institute, IOW at the end of 2002. The homepage includes several categories:

  • Addresses of people involved in HELCOM zooplankton monitoring and related experts outside monitoring tasks but active in the Baltic Sea;

  • Species list, including a list of species commonly found in the open Baltic Sea according to Hernroth and Ackefors (1977). There is also an additional list basing on ITIS background, prepared by Steffen Bock and Lutz Postel (IOW);

  • Documents; and

  • Internet discussion forum (link: http://www.io-warnemuende.de/research/helcom_zp/).


Project Manager, Lutz Postel 
Baltic Sea Research Institute
Seestr. 15,
D-18119 Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany
phone: +49 381 5197 206
E-mail: lutz.postel@io-warnemuende.de