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Enhancements of HELCOM GIS Database and functionalities with the purpose of supporting the requirements of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (2008)


The use and needs of HELCOM GIS activities have extended during the past years. Also the increasing quantity of data, and the increased interest in HELCOM data by various uses, requires that a user-friendly and functional GIS database and related services are planned and implemented. The enhancement of the HELCOM GIS databases and functionalities are important for the implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan as well as for the follow up of agreed actions.

At present HELCOM GIS services include several web-based interactive maps which illustrate the latest available information on the topics concerned. Between these maps services, which are all accessible via the HELCOM website, interested users can view Baltic Sea related data on maritime activities, pollution sources and loads, protected areas, as well as information about monitoring activities throughout the marine area.

HELCOM data is contained in various databases (e.g. COMBINE, PLC, MORS and BSPA), in various formats, making the data collection, compilation, quality checking, analysis and distribution challenging. Furthermore, some data (e.g. that contained in the HELCOM BSPA database) is difficult to link to the HELCOM GIS.


The overall aim of the project is to enhance the HELCOM GIS database by designing it in a way that makes best possible use of available data, makes data submission, editing and analysis as efficient and simple as possible and improves the availability of HELCOM data for interested users. The achievement of the above mentioned objectives is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of various HELCOM projects as well as the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan.

First and foremost, the proposed developments in this project are necessary in order to enable the use of HELCOM data for various HELCOM projects (e.g. HELCOM SCALE on marine spatial planning), that support the implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan. Furthermore, the Action Plan itself refers to the need to enhance HELCOM GIS by creating a web based interface that allows for the monitoring of the progress towards reaching of agreed ecological objectives.


A GIS/database expert will be taken onboard for this project, in order to construct the database so that it can serve the future data management, handling and assessment requirements of HELCOM especially to:

  • Design the HELCOM SQL database to ensure user-friendly and efficient data management.

  • Create forms for data submission and editing (especially for maritime and response related datasets).

  • Create connections between HELCOM’s other databases (BSPA, MORS, PLC) to the SQL database, in order to ensure that the information in those databases can be utilised by HELCOM GIS applications for the purpose of projects and to make HELCOM data more accessible to the public.

  • Create data relationships and models that allow for analysis/viewing of e.g. BSPA data.

  • Set up a data delivery tool so that HELCOM GIS data can be downloaded directly by interested users from the HELCOM website.

  • Set up a HELCOM GIS Metadata Portal (possibly transfer of portal set up by BALANCE project) to allow for interested users to find information about Baltic Sea related datasets and how/where to access them.

Expected results

  • Easy and open access to HELCOM data and information via HELCOM website, thus increasing transparency of HELCOM data and assessments.

  • Enhancing HELCOM’s role as the environmental information focal point for the Baltic Sea region.

  • Simple submission, and editing, of national data in HELCOM databases (especially for maritime and response data), ensuring better data quality and more efficient use of resources.

  • Solid data foundation and sufficient GIS functionalities for implementing HELCOM projects, e.g. proposed Marine Spatial Planning project, and other activities contributing to the implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan.

  • Possibility to assess and review the results of measures under the Baltic Sea Action Plan by measuring the progress towards the reaching agreed objectives and targets

The realisation of the project is an important prerequisite to monitor and show the efficiency of the agreed actions and for the successful implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan, such as:

  • Updated information on the provisional nutrient reduction requirements

  • Marine Spatial Planning

  • Risk Assessment for maritime transportation



Samuli Neuvonen
Project Researcher 
HELCOM Secretariat
Tel: +358-207412634
E-mail: samuli.neuvonen@helcom.fi


Minna Pyhälä
Scientific Assistant
HELCOM Secretariat
Tel: +358-207412626
E-mail: minna.pyhala@helcom.fi