
LOICZ is coordinated by an International Project Office (IPO), administering the project on a day-to-day basis, and guided by a Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) and its Chair that oversees project development, planning and implementation (see organizational chart).
The scientific sponsors of LOICZ – the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) and the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP) – nominate SSC members based on the recommendations of the SSC, and the SSC appoints two Vice-Chairs, liaising to each of the parent programs. Relationships with allied partners – international and national policy programs and agencies – are established and increased emphasis is placed on building and sustaining links and activities through Global Change National Committees.
Moreover, LOICZ has implemented a distributed organizational structure by establishing Regional Nodes. Today, regional project offices in Singapore (Southeast Asia Regional Node), Sri Lanka (South Asia Regional Node), and China (East Asia Regional Node) promote and coordinate regional and local contributions to the global research, thus facilitating links and exchanges between international, national and local science and policy.