Erasmus Mundus
As a researcher and a university lecturer, Alice Newton has recognized the importance of linking research and training/teaching. The linking of Integrated River Basin Management and Integrated Coastal Zone Management is the major objective of the ERASMUS MUNDUS Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management of which Alice Newton is the European coordinator. The European Bologna Process, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) recommendation make such a programme necessary for both scientific and societal reasons. However, it was not feasible under the aegis of a single University. Pooling the human resources of colleagues who carry out relevant research in many Universities (47 at present) allows us to develop an appropriate postgraduate programme. This pilot project for European Joint Masters was selected by the European University Association.
Alice Newton
Alice Newton LOICZ SSC Chair and Leader of Cruss Cutting Activities
European Land Ocean Interaction Studies