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FileTerritorial estimation of flooding risk in the Baikal region in the conditions of ecological restrictions (rus).
FileIdentification of the sources of water pollution on the basis the GIS-technologies (rus).
FileEstimation of forest biomass using satellite radar data (rus).
FileFish nutrition in some small reservoirs of the Ivan-Arakhley system and their potential for piscicultural operations (rus).
FileIncrement annual rings of Khentei-Chikoy highlands Pinus Sylvestris L. trees (rus).
FileCreation NDVI-scenes with use remote operated plane with built-in system multispektralionoy removals (rus).
FileDetermination area hollows with use radar topographical data (rus).
FileIdentifying desertified territories based on comprehensive analysis of multispectral (LANDSAT) and radar (SRTM) satellite data (rus).
FileSpatial and temporal dynamics of the Baikal coastal line caused by control of the lake level regime (english).
FileSpatio-temporal dynamics of vegetation cover of arid and semiarid climatic zones in central Mongolia on the basis of time series NDVI and field studies (rus).
FileGeoinformational support of monitoring of natural landscape transformation in the basin of lake Baikal on the basis of retrospective cartographic materials (rus).
FileCartographic evaluation of natural flood risk in the Lake Baikal Basin (rus).
FileCartographic monitoring of transboundary socio-economic processes (rus).
FileGeoinformational support of monitoring of natural landscape transformation in the basin of lake Baikal on the basis of retrospective cartographic materials (english).
FileSurface water of Mongolia (English)
FileHydrological regime analysis of the Selenge River basin, Mongolia (English)
FileSome results of applying dpsir analysis for Ulaanbaatar as part of the Selenge River Basin integrated water management system (English
FileThe Water Situation in Ulaanbaatar
FileMongolian forest ecosystems (English)
FileEcosystem approach for studying Biodiversity in the Selenga River Basin (English)
FileHot spot assessment in the Selenga River Basin (English)
FileLand use types in Mongolia and results of landuse condition monitoring (English)
FileVariation in nitrogen isotopic composition in the Selenga river watershed, Mongolia (English)
FileMercury exposure in female artisanal small-scale gold miners (ASGM) in Mongolia (English)
FileWild life issues in Mongolia (English)
FileGroundwater use in the Selenge river basin, MONGOLIA (English)
FileLand use caused water contamination analysis, prevention and self-purification potentials (LUCWACA-PSP) within the Selenga-Baikal research (English)
FileEconomic-Geographical Characteristics of the Development of Economic Entities Owned by the Population of the Republic of Buryatia (English)
FileHydrochemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Bog Ecosystems on the Isthmus of Svyatoi Nos Peninsula (Lake Baikal) (English)
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