Eton Beach, Efate, Vanuatu (M King)

Project overview

The Capturing Coral Reef & Related Ecosystem Services (CCRES) project (2014-2018) developed tools that demonstrate links between the ecological value of healthy coastal ecosystems and the economic value and market potential of the services that these ecosystems provide to coastal communities.

Most of the tools are free to use and are downloadable from the CCRES web site, the e-library of the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) Seas of East Asia (SEA) Knowledge Bank, and the web site for the Marine Science Institute, University of Philippines.

The tools can be used for planning Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), modelling socio-ecological systems, developing sustainable enterprises and fostering behaviour change. They were developed following research by multi-disciplinary teams that include scientists, policy-makers, businesses and other experts from a range of fields — collaboration between centres of discovery, learning and engagement in North America, Australia and importantly our partners in Indonesia and the Philippines. The tools can be used individually to address a specific coastal challenge, such identifying the size and location of MPAs, or collectively to deliver a system-wide solution. 

CCRES builds on the Coral Reef Targeted Research & Capacity Building for Management (CRTR) Program 2005-2010 which was funded by The World Bank, the Global Environment Facility and The University of Queensland. CCRES provided technical assistance in marine planning, systems analysis, business development and behaviour change.