Benguela Current LMEBenguela: Predicting a Large Marine Ecosystem

Shannon, V., G. Hempel, P Melanotte-Rizzoli, C. Moloney and J. Woods, eds.

Elsevier Science

Sustaining LMEsSustaining Large Marine Ecosystems: The Human Dimension

Hennessey, T.M. and J.G. Sutinen, eds.

Large Marine Ecosystem Series. Elsevier Science. The Netherlands.371p.

LMEs of the WorldLarge Marine Ecosystems of the World: Trends in Exploitation, Protection, and Research

Hempel, G. and K. Sherman, eds.

Large Marine Ecosystem Series. Elsevier Science. The Netherlands.423p.

Gulf of Guinea LMEThe Gulf of Guinea Large Marine Ecosystem: Environmental Forcing & Sustainable Development of Marine Resources

McGlade, J. M., P. Cury, K. A. Koranteng, N.J. Hardman-Mountford, eds.

Elsevier Science. 392p

LMEs of the North Atlantic
Large Marine Ecosystems of the North Atlantic: Changing States and Sustainability

Sherman, K. and H. R. Skjoldal, eds.

Large Marine Ecosystems Series. Elsevier Science, The Netherlands.449p.