YSLME Commission is envisaged as a permanent soft, non-legally binding, and co-operation based institution that will co-ordinate and enhance regional and national efforts to apply ecosystem-based management. An Interim Commission has been established to serve as the mechanism for discussing and agreeing the final structure and details of the permanent commission. Secretariat, which is the Project Management Office (PMO) during the UNDP/GEF YSLME Phase II Project.



Provisioning Services
Target 1:         25-30% reduction in fishing effort
Target 2:         Rebuilding over-exploited marine living resources
Target 3:         Improvement of mariculture techniques to reduce environmental stress

Regulating Services
Target 4:         Meeting international requirements on contaminants
Target 5:         Reduction of total loading of nutrients from 2006 levels

Cultural Services
Target 6:         Reduced standing stock of marine litter from current levels
Target 7:         Reduced contaminants, particularly in bathing beaches and other marine recreational waters, to nationally  acceptable levels

Supporting Services
Target 8:         Better understanding and prediction of ecosystem changes for adaptive management including for endangered  and endemic species
Target 9:         Maintenance and improvement of current populations/distributions and genetic diversity of living organisms  including endangered and endemic species
Target 10:       Maintenance of habitats according to 2007 standards and regulations
Target 11:       Reduction of the risk of introduced alien species


Project Components

  1. Sustainable national and regional cooperation for ecosystem-based management
  2. Improved Ecosystem Carrying Capacity with respect to provisioning services
  3. Improved Ecosystem Carrying Capacity with respect to regulating and cultural services
  4. Improved Ecosystem Carrying Capacity with respect to supporting services

Key Expected Outcomes

  1. Establishment of the YSLME Commission, a self-sustaining cooperative mechanism for ecosystem-based management based on strengthened partnerships and regional co-ordination, wider stakeholder participation and enhanced public awareness.
  2. Recovery of depleted fish stocks and improved mariculture production and quality.
  3. Improved ecosystem health.
  4. Improved inter-sectoral coordination and mainstreaming of ecosystem-based management principles at the national level.
  5. Maintenance of habitat areas, strengthened stakeholder participation in management and improved policymaking.
  6. Skills and capacity significantly developed for regionwide ecosystem-based management


Project documents for YSLME Phase I and YSLME Phase II