The goal of the Regional Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment (RWG-A) is to improve the ecosystem carrying capacity of the Yellow Sea with respect to supporting services by mainstreaming adaptive management to meet potential challenges, including climate change impacts on ecosystem processes.

  1. To harmonize monitoring and assessment methodologies and to improve understanding the N/P/Si ratios and impact on marine and coastal ecosystem.
  2. To improve understanding of the impact of climate change on plankton structure.
  3. To improve the monitoring capacity and awareness of jellyfish, HAB and drifting macroalgae blooms.
  1. Technical report on trend in N/P/Si ratio and its impacts on the marine and coastal plankton structure.
  2. Technical report on climate-induced ecosystem changes in the Yellow Sea and adaptive managementstrategies.
  3. Regional jellyfish, HAB and drifting macroalgae blooms monitoring programs established and implemented in collaboration with partners.
  1. Lead the development of regional strategy and systems for monitoring and assessing the long-term trend in N/P/Si ratios and its impacts on the marine and coastal plankton structure with reviewed and harmonized national monitoring and assessment methodologies.
  2. Coordinate the development of regional strategies for long-term ecosystem forecast and conduct of modelling and scenario analysis.
  3. Facilitate the assessment and monitoring of the impact of climate change and analysis of factors and signs of global climate changes on a regional scale and share findings.
  4. Coordinate the preparation of regional adaptive management strategy to enhance the resilience of the YSLME and reduce the vulnerability of coastal communities to climate change impacts on ecosystem processes and other threats identified in the TDA and SAP.
  5. Lead the development of regional jellyfish, HAB and drifting macroalgae blooms monitoring programs and establishment of committees, and coordinate the monitoring of the transboundary impact of jellyfish blooms (JBs) and harmful algal blooms (HABs) occurrence in collaboration with international organizations and partners (e.g. IOC/WESTPAC, NOWPAP, PICES etc.).
  6. Forecast future changes and developing adaptive management scheme by integrating models and developing scenario-based projections for future ecosystem changes.


Find out more about our work on Monitoring & Assessment