Six Regional Working Groups (RWGs) plan, co-ordinate and manage project activities at a regional level under the respective areas of work for the YSLME Phase II Project. Each is responsible for the status of their topic, identifying issues, developing strategies and engaging relevant stakeholders.

1. Fish Stocks (RWG-F)

The RWG-F contributes to project activities which aim to recover and enhance depleted fisheries stocks.

2. Sustainable Mariculture (RWG-M)

The RWG-M contributes to project activities which aim to enhance mariculture production and quality and reducing and controlling pollutant discharge resulting from mariculture.

3. Habitat Conservation (RWG-H)

The RWG-H contributes to project activities which aim to conserve biological diversity and maintain current areas of habitat.

4. Pollution Reduction (RWG-P)

The RWG-P contributes to project activities which aim to reduce pollutant levels and strengthen legal and regulatory processes. Eutrophication, algae bloom and contaminants are under its mandate.

5. Monitoring and Assessment (RWG-A)

The RWG-A contributes to project activities which aim to mainstream adaptive management to meet potential challenges, including climate change impacts on ecosystem processes.

6. Governance (RWG-G)

The RWG-G contributes to project activities which aim to improve regional environmental governance by strengthening institutional, legislative, and financial capacities of the region and the countries, including through institutionalization of the YSLME Commission.


The overarching goal of each RWG is to use expert knowledge and skills within their specific competencies to improve the ecosystem carrying capacity (ECC) of the Yellow Sea. Each RWG has its own Terms of Reference which outlines specific objectives and tasks.


RWG’s are made up of 6 members nominated by the Inter-Ministry Co-ordinating Committee (IMCC):

  • 2-4 leading regional experts in an appropriate discipline appointed by the Secretariat in consultation with the participating countries (more experts can be invited as needed)
  • 1 representative from the private sector (as needed)
  • 1 NGO representative (as needed)

Each RWG has a dedicated Chair and Vice Chair who represent the group and provide technical guidance to National Working Groups (NWGs) and expert advice to the MSTP.

Please refer to Architecture of the Interim YSLME Commission for more details.