Part 1: Black Sea Fact Sheets
Part 2: Black Sea Study Sheets
This study sheet condenses some of the work of a number of leading ecologists in the Black Sea region who are also educators, amongst whom Prof. Yuvenaly Zaitsev ( Odessa ), Prof. Marian Gomoiu ( Constanta ) and Dr. Alexander Vershinin ( Orlyonok , Russia ) are given special thanks. This study sheet will explain the main features of the Black Sea ecosystem and how humans are having an increased role in determining its future.
Current populations of living organisms in the Black Sea reflect its geological history

The Black Sea has undergone huge changes in the past few million years (see the Geology Study Sheet) and its current inhabitants reflect the wide range of physical conditions found in the past 20,000 years or so, though their origins are much older. Each new condition brought entirely new species or forced existing ones to adapt; only the hardiest of the early settlers have survived and new species now continue to arrive as a result of human activities. Table 1 provides a guide to the groups of settlers that now inhabit the Black Sea and interact within its ecosystem.

Table 1 gives us many insights into the modern Black Sea . It would be a mistake to imagine the Sea as a ‘melting pot' of all of the groups listed. Each of the first four groups has a particular niche within the system though some are capable of living in a wider range of conditions. In some cases, species leave the conditions characteristic of their group in order to enjoy the opportunities for foraging in the wider Black Sea but then return to the conditions they evolved in for reproduction. Thus sturgeon return to spawn in rivers and mackerel return to the Mediterranean conditions of the Marmara Sea , though both can be found in the Black Sea at other times.

espite the wide range of conditions to be found in the Black Sea , it has less than half of the biological diversity of the neighbouring Mediterranean . The Sea has changed from a lake to a sea in a few thousand years and its biota are still adapting to the new conditions. This makes it particularly susceptible to ‘invasion' by ‘exotic' species brought from similar habitats in the ballast or on the hulls of ships. In the Black Sea they find abundant food and few predators. There is no doubt that humans are having a huge impact on its species composition. The term ‘Anthropocene' – the era where humans are causing planetary change – is particularly apt under these circumstances.

Ecosystem: The complex of living organisms, their physical environment, and all their interrelationships in a particular unit of space.

Plankton are the tiny floating plants and animals in the sea that are carried by its currents. This leads to their wide distribution.

Nekton are animals (e.g. fish, squid) that can swim at greater speeds than the sea's currents.

Phytoplankton are microscopic plants that convert solar energy and dissolved carbon dioxide into living organic matter. This process also requires other inorganic and organic nutrients (see Chemistry fact sheet) including nitrogen and phosphorus compounds.

Zooplankton consists of a wide range of microscopic animals including the larvae of larger animals such as fish, bivalves and bottom living crustaceans.

 Copepods are tiny zooplanktonic crustaceans typical of cold-water oceanic ecosystems.

Table 1: Basic groups of Black Sea biota, in chronological order of arrival.


When they arrived

Conditions at the time

Examples of the organisms remaining today

1. Neoeuxinian Lake species or ‘Pontian relics'

They were dominant 18,000 – 20,000 years ago at the end of the Wurm glaciation but originated much earlier before the Black, Caspian and Azov Seas were formed

The Black Sea was a huge almost freshwater lake supplied by melting glaciers. It was isolated from the Mediterranean

A number of bivalve molluscs, polychaete worms, shrimps and, most notably, the kilka (small fish caught in the Sea of Azov ), sturgeon and some gobies. These inhabit the lowest salinity regions of the current Sea

2. Cold water marine species; the ‘Boreal-Atlantic relics'

Not clear. They may have entered during the early stages of Bosporus opening when the Mediterranean was much colder than today. The Bosporus probably opened and closed many times during successive ice ages.

These are cold water species, more typical of the Atlantic Ocean than the current Mediterranean Sea .

Copepods such as Calanus , the Ctenophore Pleurobrachia , the spiny dogfish, the sprat, flounder, whiting and Black Sea salmon-trout. These species are only found in the upper layers of the sea in winter, early spring and autumn; in the summer remaining in cooler sub-surface waters.

3. Mediterranean species

Probably during and since the current opening of the Bosporus (around 7,000 years ago)

Warmer water saline conditions. Most of the species would have arrived with the Mediterranean inflow through the Bosporus . Not all could adapt to the low salinity in the Black Sea however.

Some 80% of the current species in the Black Sea . They are present in all taxa and include sponges, jellyfish, polychaetes, molluscs, crustaceans, echinoderms and over 80 fish species.

4. Freshwater species

They are continuously arriving from the major rivers that discharge to the Black Sea

Even when the Black Sea was a huge enclosed lake, its waters were slightly salty. However, around river mouths freshwater conditions are found allowing some freshwater species to live in the sea.

Blue and green algae are sometimes seen downstream from the Danube discharge. Fish such as carp and perch and even crustacean crayfish can be found in nearshore waters.

5. Exotic species and human disturbance of ecosystems. The ‘Anthropocene'

Human impact became significant about 100 years ago and increased sharply since 1970

We are disturbing the ecosystem by excessive fishing, habitat destruction and eutrophication. Exotic species are introduced by ships (unintentional) or through aquaculture (intentional)

The proportion of exotic species is relatively small but their impact has been colossal. For example, the predatory gastropod (sea snail) Rapana , introduced in the mid 20 th century, eliminated entire populations of native benthic species. The ctenophore (comb jelly) Mnemiopsis reached a total biomass of about one billion tons (wet weight) in 1990 hugely altering pelagic food chains at that time.

Who is the material designed for?

In the offshore areas of the Black Sea , most new organic matter is produced by phytoplankton. Below some 20-50 metres there is usually insufficient light for significant phytoplankton growth. Phytoplankton includes a large number of species with different requirements for light and nutrients. Diatoms for example, have external skeletons of silica resembling little glass boxes. Dinoflagellates on the other hand are often capable of limited movement and have no requirement for silica. As environmental conditions change during the year, individual phytoplankton species tend to ‘bloom' and fade in a continuous ‘boom and bust' sequence. The larger phytoplankton cells are often ‘grazed' by small zooplankton such as copepods. There are smaller zooplankton however - ciliates and even smaller heterotrophic nanoflagellates - typically less than 10µm (there are 1 million µm in a metre). These graze on smaller nanophytoplankton or even heterotrophic bacteria. The smallest zooplankton are consumed by larger ones (such as copepods) and these, in turn, may become the food of small pelagic fish such as anchovy or sprats. Larger predator fish like mackerel or bluefish consume small pelagic species. At the top of the food chain are the ‘apex predators' of which dolphins and humans are the most notable in the Black Sea . Hundreds of thousands of dolphins were killed by humans from most Black Sea countries in the 1950s – 1970s for food or though the perception that they threatened fish stocks.

The pelagic food web is illustrated in Figure 1. It would be naive to show it as a linear chain because of heterotrophs and omnivores that can span more than one trophic level. In a stable ecosystem, the populations of organisms at each trophic level would be balanced by the supply of food from lower trophic levels and the intensity of predation from higher ones. Humans can affect this balance by increasing the supply of nutrients (eutrophication) or overfishing predator species. Eutrophication results in increased phytoplankton populations. Removal of predators results in increased small pelagic fish stocks and decreased zooplankton numbers. This may also increase phytoplankton numbers. The consequences are described in the chemistry fact sheet. The Black Sea has suffered from serious eutrophication in the past as a consequence of large nutrient loads from rivers. These loads result from agricultural fertilizers, animal and human sewage and certain industrial and domestic effluents.

In the Black Sea , large benthic organisms can only live in water that does not contain hydrogen sulphide. The north-western shelf of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov are the largest areas suitable for benthic communities (some 20% of the overall area of the Black Sea ) but there is a narrower band of shallow water around the entire Black Sea where these communities can develop.

Most benthic organisms have the advantage of not needing to spend much energy on constantly swimming to stay in a particular place or to catch their prey. A large number of them are sessile or stay close to a particular habitat but this makes them vulnerable to predators or to sudden changes in environmental conditions. Many benthic animals live in shells or have developed sophisticated defence mechanisms.

Pelagic refers to the open sea; away from the bottom.

Benthic refers to the bottom of the sea.

 Food chain (also trophic chain): T he sequence of transfers of matter and energy from organism to organism in the form of food. Food chains intertwine locally into a food web because most organisms consume more than one type of animal or plant. Plants, which convert solar energy to food by photosynthesis, are the primary food source and termed primary producers .

Marine food chains are rarely linear and show complex relationships; we describe them as food webs .

Autotroph : Primary producer requiring sunlight and inorganic nutrients to make organic matter

Heterotroph : Consumer requiring pre-formed organic material to make organic matter

Trophic level : A trophic level in a food web contains organisms that obtain their nourishment in a similar way and from a similar source

Omnivory: The ability of an organism to obtain nourishment from more than one trophic level

Sessile: organisms that are fixed to the bottom or another solid object.

Figure 1. Simplified pelagic food web in the Black Sea showing food chain from phytoplankton to apex predators (solid lines) and the ‘microbial loop' (dashed lines) where dissolved organic matter and faeces are recycled back into the food chain via heterotrophic bacteria. Key (note these are not drawn to scale): Autotrophs : (1) Large phytoplankton including diatoms and dinoflagellates), (2) Nanoplankton (cells typically about 10 ?m); Heterotrophs: (3) Nanoflagellates, (4) Large ciliates, (5) Zooplankton (copepod illustrated), (6) Heterotrophic bacteria; Fish: (7) Small pelagic fish (anchovy as an example); (8) Predator fish (mackerel and whiting illustrated); Apex predators : (9) Dolphins, and (10) Humans.

Benthic food webs are more complex than pelagic ones. Where light levels are sufficient and wave or current energy is low, benthic macrophytes may develop. These provide another source of organic matter and also act as a habitat for a large number of animals. The other special feature of the benthic food web is the use of organic matter that collects on the sea floor, some of it from decaying macrophytes and plankton, some from terrestrial systems and rivers that discharge to the sea, and some from the metabolic products and faeces of animals in the water column and sea floor. This organic matter and the heterotrophs that live on it, provides food for a great variety of animals such as shrimps, mullet and carp, as well as filter feeders such as mussels and oysters (these also feed on plankton). Some of these in turn, provide food for larger animals notably fish such as sturgeon or turbot or some crustaceans such as the swimming crab (another introduced species).

In the next page, there is an illustration of an overall food web for the Black Sea (Figure 2). This is a schematic representation - the reality is even more complex – but it helps to understand the interactions between the various components of the ecosystem and humans as one of the apex predators (along with dolphins and, to some extent, some seabirds). A similar diagram drawn thirty years ago would have included monk seals as an apex predator. Human pressure (including disturbance of their breeding sites) has probably led to their extinction in the Black Sea ; there have been no reliable reports on their presence in the last decade.

Habitat: the place where organisms live

Marine benthic macrophytes: plants or algae that grow at the bottom of the sea. In the Black Sea they include algal species such as Cystoceira (brown), Ulva (green) and Phyllophora (red), and sea grasses such as Zostera (Eelgrass).

Filter feeders : organisms that filter small particles from seawater for food.

Apex predators: The animals at the top of the food chain that are not controlled by predation (other factors control their population size including the availability of food)

Fig 2. Illustration of some of the pathways in the Black Sea shelf ecosystem . The diagram is not a complete picture of the system and is designed to show typical interactions; there are many more!

The pelagic system (see also Figure 1) includes phytoplankton (1), zooplankton (2), small fish such as anchovies (3) and larger predator fish (4) and also larger predators such as the spiny dogfish (5). The pelagic system is coupled with the benthic system in a number of ways; examples shown here are through sea anemones (6) and mussels (7) feeding on small fish and plankton respectively (as well as heterotrophic bacteria in the case of some bivalves). Mussels have a few predators such as the sea snail Rapana (8) but contribute to the benthic food chain mostly through the production of detritus supplying bacteria and worms such as polychaetes (11). Many invertebrate benthic predators such as Rapana, crabs (bottom living and swimming crabs are illustrated, 9, as well as hermit crabs, 13) can feed off one another at different stages of growth and compete fiercely for space (some are also omnivores). Bottom living fish such as the flatfish (10) graze small benthic animals. Benthic macroalgae (12) and sea grasses (14) act as a habitat for a wide variety of animals (gobies and shrimp are illustrated, 15) and also provide a source of detritus for supplying the benthos with organic matter. One of the pelagic pathways, the pathway from zooplankton to jellyfish (17), leads to a ‘dead end' since they have no obvious predators in the Black Sea . Jellyfish are a normal part of the Black Sea fauna but the ctenophore species Mnemiopsis leidyi (left hand of 16) was introduced from the ballast water of ships in the mid 1980s. It now has a predator , Beroe ovata (not shown) another ctenophore introduced in the same way as its prey. Humans, dolphins and some seabirds share a place as apex predators (17) of the system. Not all of the pathways to humans are illustrated; they also remove benthic fish, crabs, sea snails, bivalves and small pelagic fish. Humans are also responsible for many of the sources of organic matter and nutrients that flow from the land to the sea, as well as many contaminants (18). This diagram is based on the work of Dr. Alexander Vershinin (in Life of the Black Sea , p145, Moscow , 2003, in Russian). Tools for graphics (also Fig. 1) were kindly supplied courtesy of the Integration and Application Network, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science.

The Black Sea provides a range of habitats for assemblages (biocenoses) of marine organisms

The distribution of benthic marine organisms is largely determined by physical and chemical factors including the substrate (rocky, sand, mud, etc.), the wave or current energy, the salinity (amount of salt in the water), the oxygen content, illumination by sunlight, temperature, the supply of organic matter and the amount of nutrients in the water column. These factors contribute to their rather patchy distribution. Assemblages of plants and animals tend to form in particular range combinations of the above conditions (biotopes). In some senses they can be regarded as small ecosystems within the overall Black Sea system.

Each assemblage is usually characterised by a few ‘keystone' species that are completely indispensable to its existence; remove them and the assemblage can no longer survive. Table 2 illustrates one interpretation of the benthic assemblages on the north-western shelf of the Black Sea (this is fairly representative of the entire Black Sea ). With one exception, the key species cited are either bivalves or macrophytes. Both types of organism are vulnerable to environmental condition; macrophytes are limited by the available light and bivalves cannot survive for prolonged periods without dissolved oxygen.

Biotope: The smallest geographical unit of the biosphere or of the habitat that can be delimited by convenient boundaries and is characterised by its biota

Assemblage or Biocenosis: A community of organisms occupying a biotope

Substrate: the surface upon which aquatic animals can settle

Bivalve : Mollusc with two hinged shells

Depth (m)



Name of assemblage

Type of key species

Key species

0 - 1

Mediolittoral sandy beach

Donacilla + Ophelia

Bivalve/ polychaete

Donacilla cornea,

Ophelia bicornis

2 - 5

Sandy bottom

Nana + Diogenes

Gastropod/ Hermit crab

Nana neritea,

Diogenes pugilator

0.2 - 5

Sandy bottom


Sea grass

Zostera marina,

Z. noltii

0.5 - 15

Rocky shore


Brown algae

Cystoseira barbata

2 - 20

Sandy/muddy bottom



Lentidium mediterraneum

3 - 16

Sandy/muddy bottom


Bivalve (softshell clam)

Mya arenaria

7 - 30

Sandy bottom



Chamelea gallina

12 - 28

Muddy bottom



Melinna palmata

20 - 25

Muddy bottom



Mytilus galloprovincialis

10 - 60

Muddy bottom


Red Algae

Phyllophora nervosa

60 - 125

Muddy bottom



Modiolus phaseolinus

Table 2: Types of assemblage found on the north-western shelf of the Black Sea . The assemblages are ordered by depth but there are a number of other factors determining their presence, notably the substrate type and the oxygen availability. Adapted from Kiseleva M.I. (1979) Bottom biocoenoses and their biomass. In: Fundamentals of biological productivity of the Black Sea . Kiev : Naukova Dumka, pp 218-239 (in Russian).

It was this vulnerability that led to the massive loss of a major part of the biota on the north-western shelf in the early 1970s. One of the consequences of eutrophication is impaired light penetration to the bottom of the sea (eutrophication increases phytoplankton and debris concentrations in the water, blocking the passage of light). As eutrophication increased, macrophytes beds shrank in size. Zernov's Phyllophora field on the north-western shelf (the largest red algal community in the world) collapsed spectacularly during the 1970s (see Figure 3).

The loss of Phyllophora and increased eutrophication led to even greater loading of organic matter to the bottom of the sea and decreased oxygen (see Chemistry fact sheet). Soon, much of the north-western shelf became hypoxic and even anoxic during summer months of each year and this led to the decline of many of the bivalve assemblages in the region. Thousands of tons of dead animals were washed up onto the shores of Romania and Ukraine .

Figure 3. Spectacular reduction of Zernov's Phyllophora field in the 1970s (data from Zaitsev, 1992)


Eutrophication and hypoxia are not the only reason for the decline of many Black Sea benthic communities. Introduced species have caused major changes in their structure. The softshell clam Mya arenaria (the keystone species of an assemblage cited in Table 2) was introduced in the second half of the 20 th century, possibly from the North Sea . The voracious predatory sea snail Rapana thomasiana arrived in the middle of the 20 th century and led to the massive loss of many benthic communities. Another reason for decline has been human disturbance by dredging for shellfish, the extraction of Phyllophora for agar and by the indiscriminate use of heavy trawls for fishing. Dumping of waste from some countries also occurred in the Black Sea in the past.

Despite all of these serious environmental problems, the Black Sea appears to be in gradual recovery from the worst period of eutrophication during the period from 1973 to 1990 (see section 4 of this fact sheet). This is more a consequence of economic problems in some of the coastal countries than good management however.

Acad. Sergey Zernov was a Russian marine biologist who described Black Sea ‘biocenoses' during the first half of the 20 th century.

Hypoxia means “low oxygen.” In aquatic ecosystems, low oxygen usually means a concentration of less than 2-3 milligrams of oxygen per liter of water (mg/l). A complete lack of oxygen (0 mg/L) is called anoxia .

Agar: A key ingredient for pharmaceutical and food products (e.g. ice cream) that can be obtained from harvested Phyllophora.

The colour guide to Black Sea species in this Study Pack (prepared by Prof Yu. Zaitsev) provides useful information on the association of key Black Sea species with particular habitats and illustrates many of the species cited in the present text.
Marginal ecotones are important areas of the Black Sea
The region where the land and sea meet is often occupied by wetlands, aquatic areas that have their own special vegetation and characteristic fauna but are also places where interactions are possible between land and sea life. River deltas in the Black Sea include extensive wetland areas in the form of lagoons and marshes. The Danube Delta is Europe 's second largest wetland area and much of it is protected as a biosphere reserve. There are smaller wetland areas in every Black Sea country. Wetland habitats provide nursery grounds for a number of species of fish and invertebrates and are particularly important as habitats for birds, resident and migratory. Extensive areas of reed bed provide shelter for birds and protection from their predators. They also filter the water that passes through them, removing nutrients (and other contaminants) The Danube delta, for example is recognised internationally for having the northernmost colony of Dalmatian pelicans. However, wetlands are particularly vulnerable to development. Some people regard them as a nuisance, as they harbour mosquitoes and seem to present a constant flood risk. Others exploit their rich organic soils for growing crops after isolating and draining them. Such actions result in a loss of habitat and decrease in biological diversity and also increase the risk of flooding because wetlands effectively absorb sudden pulses of river water. In the medium term, conserving wetlands makes more sense than destroying them and this logic has led to the decision to re-flood a number of drained wetlands in the Danube Delta.
Fig 4. Map of major Black Sea wetland areas (from BSEP, Black Sea GIS, 1996)

The survival of many species of wading bird depends on the use of Black Sea wetlands as a resting place during their migration between the Arctic and Africa . The Black Sea is one of the most important migratory flyways in the world and there are indications that the number of birds in transit has decreased by over 50% in the past few decades.

Ecotone : An area of intergradation between two biological communities or associations

The 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro defined biological diversity (or biodiversity ) as "the variability among living organisms from all sources, including, inter alia , terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems, and the ecological complexes of which they are part: this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems".

Convention on Wetlands of International Importance ( Ramsar Convention 1971). Ramsar seeks to ensure the sustainable, wise use of wetland /Resources including designation of wetland sites of international importance and to ensure that all wetland /Resources are conserved, now and in the future.

A recent (1998) survey of birds in the 2600 km 2 Sivash lagoon complex in Crimea (see map) registered over one million birds. A National Nature Park is being created in the region.

Human degradation of the Black Sea ecosystem can be controlled and prevented

There are many reasons why the Black Sea ecosystem deteriorated so rapidly from the 1970s. Eutrophication was a major factor, but not the only one. Many scientists believe that the current intensity of fishing in the Black Sea will not allow the full recovery of its food webs and are also concerned at the pace of destruction of marginal ecotones, including wetlands. Black Sea countries have joined a number of conventions designed to give additional protection to its biodiversity. These conventions include the Ramsar convention on wetlands, the UN Biodiversity Convention and the Bucharest Convention. There are a number of important initiatives to create protected areas (e.g. by the designation of coastal Ramsar sites) in all Black Sea countries. Unfortunately, there are also alarming accounts of wetlands and wild coastal areas being developed in a thoughtless way that puts the short-term profit of some people before the longer-term (and ethically and economically wiser) objective of development in harmony with nature.

One of the key tools for protecting marine ecosystems is the creation of networks of marine protected areas (MPAs). These areas act as a refuge for marine life and enable representative biotopes to be maintained in the hope that these will enable the entire system to recover when other stresses are removed. As yet, there are very few of these MPAs in the Black Sea and those that exist are very small in size and lack sufficient staff and funding to be fully effective. Hopefully, programmes such as the Black Sea Environmental Programme (of which the Global Environment Facility's Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project is part) will help the governments in the region to take appropriate measures to implement the various agreements they have signed up to.

The main lessons from this very brief introduction to the ecology of the Black Sea are:

•  Marine ecosystems are constantly adapting to natural changes in geology and climate.

•  The Black Sea 's biota is a result of tens of thousands of years of adaptation but it has suffered impacts of unprecedented severity in the past 50 years due to human activities.

•  There is recent evidence that some of the biotopes are beginning to recover in the last decade, which demonstrates that something can really be done to protect the sea from further deterioration.

•  However, the components of the ecosystem are linked in a complex manner and action to protect it must take into account these linkages.

We humans are part of the ecosystem and it makes good sense to respect its complexity when we are planning activities that may damage it.

Convention on Biological Diversity (1992). The Convention aims at the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic /Resources and to provide for appropriate funding.

Bucharest Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution. Signed 21 Apr 1992 , in force 1994 This Convention includes a Protocol on Biological and Landscape Diversity (signed in 2003).