Professor Zhongyuan Chen

State Kay Laboratory for Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China P.R.
Phone: +86-21-62232706
Fax: +86-21-62232416
Professor Zhongyuan Chen is a senior research scientist of State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. Zhongyuan Chen is geomorphologist and his long-term expertise links examination of sediment source to sink processes in river - delta system in response to global change and human impact. This includes analyzing sediment budget, transport, and deposition affected by climate change, sea-level fluctuations and human intervention. Environmental assessment from drainage basin to estuary, as represented by sedimentological, geomorphologic and eco-hydrological processes is the major focus. In addition, Prof. Chen's recent study is closely associated with the 3-Gorges dam on the Yangtze river, linking to post-dam assessment of delta-coastal development. His research also provides substantially insight into management in the estuary, where there has been profoundly sedimentological and eco-hydrological response to the dam effect. His recent study has approved the estuarine geo-ecological modification in response to the reduced sediment sources and altered hydrograph. Professor Chen serves as chief guest editor for ECSS, Geomorphology and ESPL, in which rich geo-ecohydrological research results from various world large river-estuaries have been included. His major study area involved includes the Yangtze and Nile, and other Asia river-deltas. Prof. Chen is Pi for APN Asia megadelta project and Co-Pi for IGCP-582 river-basin project. These would provide a unique research background for his involvement into LOICZ-related strategic target, especially in China and Asia.