Former SSC Members
until Dec. 2009

Juan D. Restrepo
Department of Geological Sciences,
EAFIT University, Medellín, Colombia
Phone: (57-4) 266 0500
Fax: (57-4) 266 4284

William C. Dennison
University of Maryland, Center for Environmental Science
Theme Coordinator of Scientific Theme I
Phone: (1-410) 228 9250
Fax: (1-410) 228 3843

Felino P. Lansigan
University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB)
Phone: (63-49) 536 2381
Fax: (63-49) 536 2402

Nancy N. Rabalais
LUMCON, Louisiana Universities Marine Consurtium
Phone: (1-985) 851 2836
Fax: (1-985) 851 2874