REC Estonia

Name:REC Estonia
Country: Estonia
Established: 1995

Current staff

  • Anne Kivinukk, Country Office Director
  • Maiken Staak, Project Manager

Scope of work


The mission of REC Estonia  is to assist in solving environmental problems by providing environmental information to different target groups and by supporting non-formal education in Estonia.

The programmes of REC Estonia are:

  • Environmental awareness raising
  • NGO support
  • Assistance to the implementation of EU legislation in Estonia

REC Estonia provides information upon request, through the Internet homepage, by means of a local language bulletin, and through its library.

Country office expertise


REC Estonia expertise covers environmental education, education for sustainable development, biological diversity, training courses and workshop management, publishing, public participation in environmental decision making, and sustainable development (the development and use of indicators, policy advice, and consultancy services to local authorities on sustainable development).

Project website
Please visit the office's individual website at this address:
Office address

Ravala str. 8, C 506 Tallinn, 10143 Estonia
Phone: (372) 64 61 423, (372) 66 05 018
Fax: (372) 64 61 423

Office network