
It’s not all serious. CCRES Senior Advisor Melanie King, Global Change Institute, and Andrew Griffiths, Dean of the Business School at The University of Queensland, a member of the Advisory Board taking a break between sessions. (photo: Mark Paterson)

Local advocates, training, relevance key to success

Involving project partners and other World Bank regional projects in the design and testing of CCRES tools is a priority, following a meeting of the Advisory Board in Jakarta last month (25-26 May).

As the five-year (2014-2018) project nears its half-way mark there are plans to engage more coastal managers, planners and policymakers in the development of the project’s innovative tools.

Buoyed by the high level of interest from stakeholders at a forum in Manila during February, the Advisory Board is keen to see a larger group of users involved in research and product development.

Further, the Advisory Board recommended that the project’s leadership team identify specific World Bank-funded activities in the East Asian Seas that can be invited to pilot-test CCRES tools in the field.

The role of local advocates, the training of prospective users and the relevance of tools to locations outside the pilot sites were identified as critical success factors for the project by the Advisory Board.

The Advisory Board comprises representatives from the:

For the first time the annual meeting of the Advisory Board included members of the project’s Technical Steering Committee, comprising Prof. Alasdair Edwards (UK), Andy Hooten (USA), Mariglo Laririt (Philippines) and Dr Tiene Gunawan (Indonesia). It was hosted by the World Bank Indonesia.

The leaders of project teams presented work plans and budgets for 2016-2017 for review and approval and country coordinators Noreen Marie Follosco (Philippines) and Ibu Harjunani Kumoloraras (Indonesia) presented reports.

Members of and advisors to the Advisory Board, gave progress updates for other World Bank-funded projects in the region, PEMSEA (Adrian Ross), COREMAP-CTI (Ibu Ina Pranoto), WAVES (Dr Maya Villaluz), Dr Vincent Hilomen (DENR) and PRDP (Carolina Figueroa-Geron).