YSLME Supports Application of ASC Standards for Flatfish, Bivalves and Abalones to Mariculture Enterprises in Chinese Provinces Bordering the Yellow Sea

Through the UNDP/GEF YSLME Phase II Project, UNOPS partnered with China Aquatic Product Processing and Marketing Alliance (CAPPMA) and Qingdao Marine Conservation Society (QMCS) to improve the environmental and social performance of mariculture enterprises in the Yellow Sea.

Supported by the Yellow Sea Grant Program (YSGP) of the YSLME II Project, the partnership aims at addressing the multiple negative environmental and social impact of unsustainable mariculture enterprises along the Yellow Sea coast, i.e. habitat destruction, overfishing, illegal and improper chemical use, eutrophication, increasing incidents of disease in wild stocks and degradation of workers’ welfare and health.

One approach the partnership has taken is to provide clear and feasible technical guidelines of Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and best practices of integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) and trainings to mariculture enterprises. By October 2019, QMCS has translated the following ASC standards from English to Chinese of flatfish (English and Chinese), bivalves (English and Chinese) and abalone (English and Chinese) for reference by mariculture enterprises.

Study visits and cross-site learning will follow up, targeting to benefit mariculture enterprises from the three provinces in PR China boarding the Yellow Sea who are willing and interested in applying the ASC standards for the three species.

For more information about this project, please contact Mr. Songlin WANG from QMCS at s_l_wang@qq.com, or Ms.  Janelle DONG from CAPPMA at donghongpan_dbd@qq.com.