LOICZ Regional Node Southeast Asia

Beverly P.L. GOH: Coordinator of the LOICZ Southeast Asia Regional Node

The focus of Dr Goh’s research laboratory is ecotoxicology and pollution in the environment, examining stress effects on marine organisms. The impacts of anthropogenic activities are explored at various organismal levels (from the molecular and cellular to ecosystem levels), and developed as tools for assessing environmental degradation. Her research laboratory has developed sponge aggregation assays, mussel (Perna viridis) fertilization assays and mussel lysosomal assays to test exposure of these organisms to heavy metals. In situ microcosm and mesocosms have also been used to examine environmental impacts from heavy metals and hydrocarbons in a tropical estuary. Her research students are currently investigating settlement in coral larvae as a potential ecotoxicological tool, as well as studying various aspects of coral reef ecology to assess the health and integrity of these ecosystems in Singapore.

Dr Goh also conducts ecological surveys on tropical intertidal and marine ecosystems, (particularly coral reefs), and regularly provides inputs to the Biodiversity Centre of the National Parks Board of Singapore (NParks, Ministry of National Development).


The LOICZ Southeast Regional Node, established at the Natural Sciences and Science Education Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, was set up to enhance the relevance of LOICZ in the SEA region.  The node aims to facilitate information gathering and exchange on coastal zones in the region, to contribute to the global database of LOICZ, so that knowledge generated can be applied to better coastal zone management at local, regional and international levels.  An MOU between NIE and the LOICZ IPO/GKSS was formalized on 1 September 2007.

The Regional Node is building up a regional network of coastal and marine scientists.  Regional workshops and projects have been initiated to build capacity in the scientific community, and also to facilitate the implementation of affiliated projects pertaining to the five scientific themes of LOICZ II (2006 – 2015). The node also has links with the Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (based in Beijing, PRC), a program implemented by START International in collaboration with the Earth System Science Partnership Programs.

Currently, the Regional Node is implementing a three year project on assessing the vulnerability of coastal zones, funded by the Asia Pacific Network for Global Change (APN).  This project is in the process of establishing case studies in seven countries within the Southeast Asian region.