LOICZ Regional Node East Asia
Cheng Tang: Coordinator of the LOICZ East Asia Regional Node
Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Cheng Tang
Chunhui Road 17
Laishan District, Yantai, China. 264003.
Phone: 86-535-2109021
Fax: 0086-535-2109000
In 2006, he moved to the newly established Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It was a big challenge to step into a multidisciplinary area, but he very much look forward to helping the new institute and colleagues to join the LOICZ network and activities.
Fishing farming at the coast of Yantai area
The 18,000 km coastlines of China are home to almost 60 percent of the total China population. China’s coasts host a variety of industrial and business activities, fisheries, energy facilities, marine transportation and recreation that contribute tens of billions of dollars to the economy per year. As the coastal population continues to increase, there are many competing demands for limited coastal areas and resources. Increasing pressures from pollution, habitat degradation, over-fishing, invasive species, and coastal hazards, including hurricanes and sea-level rise start become problems to the China coast. The increasing coastal population can also create conflicts between of competing coastal uses: beach goers, commercial and residential, commercial, industrial and port development. The challenges of coastal zone management face balancing coastal uses while protecting valuable coastal resources are mounting.
Yantai City coast
Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences is a new institute which focuses on coastal resource recycling mechanisms, environmental protection, ecological processes, and integrated management under the supervision of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The institute aims to encourage new multidisciplinary research collaborations and to bring together an extended community of researchers and end-users of research.
Yellow River Delta
Yantai is a beautiful city which located in North China close to the boundary of Bohai Sea and Huanhai Sea. The establishment of the Regional Node is a culmination of coastal related activities organized by YIC and led by Prof. Ping SHI. Its functions include the initiation, facilitation and support of basic and applied research, fostering the exchange of scientific information among scientists, maintaining a database of scientific and technical personnel and resources. The Regional Node aims to coordinate local and regional activities and help develop regional funding proposals to implement the LOICZ science plan.