Publication list by title

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Environmental Democracy (Print)
September 2004

This booklet describes 12 practical examples of good practice in the implementation of the Aarhus Convention in six countries of the EECCA region — Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Six are examples of the...

Environmental Financing Trends in South Eastern Europe: 2001-2005 (Print)
September 2007

This Category 2 background document was submitted by the REC, with the support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, to the Sixth Ministerial Conference “Environment for Europe”,...

Environmental Infrastructure Investment Project Preparation in the Water Sector (Print)
August 2007

The publication is based on the specific needs and experience of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in preparing wastewater-related environmental investment projects. The book covers issues such as the strategic planning of investments,...

Environmental Integration in Agriculture in South Eastern Europe (Print)
April 2005

This issue paper was prepared as a background document to the SEE Senior Officials Meeting on agriculture and environment policy integration, held in Durres, Albania, in April 2005. The paper provided a brief overview of the agricultural sector...

Environmental Reconstruction and EU Approximation in South Eastern Europe (Print)
June 2005

This publication provides an overview and highlights the achievements of the Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programme for South Eastern Europe (REReP) from 2003 to 2005. It serves as a showcase for REReP’s achievements and its...

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