
Capacity building for regional waste management in Serbia (ODA project)
Certificate Programme on Corporate Sustainability: Capacity Building for the Turkish Business Community
Changing Lifestyles, Attitudes and Behaviour (ChangeLAB )
Civil Society Platform on Sustainable Consumption and Production
Conference on EU Environmental Legislation and Policies Applicable to Projects Co-financed by Community Funds
Involvement in Deliberative Processes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (DelibProcess)
Support to the European Environment Agency European Topic Centre on Resource and Waste Management
Analysis and Promotion of the Role of the EU Ecolabel in Green Public Procurement
Support to the European Environment Agency European Topic Center on Air and Climate Change
Support to the European Environment Agency European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production
Development of a Forecasting Framework and Scenarios to Support the EU Sustainable Development Strategy (FORESCENE)
Organisation of a Conference on Green Procurement
Promotion of, and Evaluation of the Barriers to, Green Public Procurement and the Uptake of Green(er) Products in West Balkan Countries and Turkey
Assistance to the Development of Sustainble Enterpreunership in Ukraine
Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks (ZeroWIN)
Updating the Waste Management Plan for Gorj County, Romania
Preparation of Guidelines on Waste Prevention Programmes according to the Revised Waste Framework Directive