MedPAN offers to support small projects in Marine Protected Areas of the Mediterranean

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MedPAN launched a call for small projects for Mediterranean MPA managers. The projects that will be financed will contribute to helping MPA managers implement concrete field activities. This call for small project is made possible through the support of the French Environment Global Fund, the Albert II of Monaco foundation and the MAVA foundation.

The call for small project will allow to back small projects on various themes:

- management planning/ management assessment, 
- innovative funding mechanisms, 
- communication and environmental education activities, 
- stakeholder consultation and mediation processes, 
- sustainable management of tourism, 
- sustainable management of fisheries, 
- at-sea enforcement, 
- ecological and socio-economic monitoring, 
- monitoring of invasive species, 
- monitoring and/or adaptation to the impacts of climate change

The call for small projects is open between July 1st andSeptember 5th 2011 at 6 pm. The MPA managers who wish to participate will need to send a grant application form to MedPAN's Secretariat during this period. The 5 to 10 best projects will be selected by October 15th 2011 and will be attributed a grant of maximum 20 000€.

You will find all the details regarding participation eligibility, the type of projects that are required and the selection process in the rules document of the Call for Small Project here.

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