Second Biennial Conference on Cetacean Conservation in South Mediterranean Countries- Morroco

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CMSC2Location: El Jedida (Morocco)

The main topics of the Second Conference are:

  • interactions between cetaceans and human activities,
  • monitoring of populations,
  • pollution and other nuisance.
Any person concerned can propose an oral communication or a poster.


The Conference will be organised over plenary sessions, roundtables and posters exhibitions. A workshop on the development of cetacean stranding networks will be organised on the last Conference day.

The Biennial Conference comes from an initiative launched by the ACCOBAMS Permanent Secretariat. This event is organised in collaboration with the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA -MAP-UNEP) and the Ministry of Agriculture, and Maritime Fisheries of Morocco / Department of Maritime Fisheries.

For more information follow the link here

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