Future marine protected areas in Lebanon

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Within the framework of the MedMPAnet Project, RAC/SPA and the Ministry of Environment of Lebanon organized a meeting in Beirut, on 27 May 2013, with the participation of the National Council for Scientific Research’s National Centre for Marines Sciences (CNRS-NCMS) of Lebanon, the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation (IUCN-Med) and the University of Alicante (Spain).

Raouche cliffs in Beirut, Lebanon This meeting allowed discussing the progress made so far under the MedMPAnet Project in Lebanon, especially in assessing biological features and ecological interest of three marine sites: Enfeh Peninsula, Ras Chekaa cliffs, and Raoucheh cliffs and caves. 

This meeting served also to plan for the upcoming phase of the Project aiming at surveying  three new important sites in Southern Lebanon (Sidon, Tyre and Nakoura). The field work will be starting in September 2013.

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