Monitoring climate variability and change in Mediterranean coastal zones

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Indicators workshop sophia antipolisNational and regional experts participated in a workshop to define a regional core set of indicators to monitor climate variability and change in Mediterranean marine and coastal zones.

The main objective of the regional core set is to allow the follow-up of the adaptation policies to climate variability and change, considering specific national coastal stakes. National data availability and providers were also discussed during the workshop, which was also closely linked to the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD) revision.

Organized by Plan Bleu in Sophia-Antipolis, France on 21 November 2014, the workshop comes within the framework of the Climate Variability and Change project of the MedPartnership and gathered regional experts along with others from Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and representatives from Plan Bleu and UNEP/MAP.


ClimVar partners


MedPartnership partners