Coastal Plan for Šibenik-Knin County Adopted
On 27 April
the County Council members adopted the ICZM Plan for the Šibenik-Knin County. Mr.
Goran Pauk, President of the County, pointed out that the main reason behind
the preparation of the Plan was improvement of the environmental state and
securing a healthy environment by, among others, taking into account the
climate variability and change. The Plan was presented by Ms Sanja Slavica
Matešić, Head of the Administrative Department for Environmental Protection and
Municipal Affairs. “The Coastal Plan of the Šibenk-Knin County is not a
normative plan and is not based on any law. It belongs to the so called indicative
plans which provide guidelines on how to manage a given problem, and define
solutions which should than be included into normative plans. A great innovative and creative effort was
made, and this is the first plan of the kind in Croatia which is, at the same
time, a strategic document necessary for attracting EU funds.” – explained Ms
Slavica Matešić. This is the first Coastal Plan in Croatia, and one of the
pioneers in the Mediterranean, that was developed in accordance with the ICZM
Protocol, and with a special focus on climate variability and change. The Plan
was developed within the GEF ClimVar and ICZM Project and lead by PAP/RAC. Over
a period of two and a half years, a number of meetings, workshops and direct
contacts with local stakeholders were organised in order to secure as wide as
possible participatory approach, to secure that local knowledge, desires and
solutions were embraced, as well as to raise awareness of the threats posed by
climate variability and change, the effects of which are already felt in the
area. Ms. Daria Povh Škugor from PAP/RAC pointed out that one of the greatest
qualities of this process was a deep involvement of numerous regional
institutions, in particular those responsible for environmental affairs, spatial
and regional development. This is the best guarantee for its successful
implementation that should lead to improved resilience of the coast and its
sustainable development.