Annual MedPartnership Coordination Group Meeting held in Paris

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The MedPartnership Coordination group held its annual meeting at the UNESCO in Paris, France from 3 to 5 April 2013 and was attended by experts from all executing partners of the MedPartnership, as well as representatives from UNEP DEPI and  the European Commission.

The meeting focused on the major successes and challenges of the MedPartnership, at this mid-point of the projects duration, and was the opportunity to discuss the recently completed Mid-Term evaluation draft report and recommendations.  It also provided an opportunity to review the draft replication proposals submitted, and to agree on the next steps to finalize the draft programme of replication activities, as well as how to increase national and regional communication of MedPartnership results. 

The last day of the meeting was dedicated to the development of the revised work-plan and Inception Report for the new Climate Variability and ICZM project, and further detailing the two demonstrations in Croatia and Tunisia.

ClimVar partners


MedPartnership partners