Distribution of Hg levels in liver tissue of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) of different ages Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15

Distribution of Hg levels in liver tissue of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) of different ages Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15
Distribution of Hg levels in liver tissue of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) of different ages Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15

Distribution of Hg levels in liver tissue of beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) of different ages (years) Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15

Distribution of Hg levels in liver tissue of beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) of different ages (years) Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15
Distribution of Hg levels in liver tissue of beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) of different ages (years) Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15

Distribution of Hg levels (age adjusted to 69 years, Svalbard adults) in liver tissue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

Distribution of Hg levels (age adjusted to 69 years, Svalbard adults) in liver tissue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
Distribution of Hg levels (age adjusted to 69 years, Svalbard adults) in liver tissue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

Distribution of Hg levels in hair of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

Distribution of Hg levels in hair of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
Distribution of Hg levels in hair of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

Historical profiles of PCBs (trichloro- and all other) in slices from dated sediment cores in Alaska, Canada, and Finland Median age of each slice is given on the vertical axis The green lines indicate the source function of PCBs

Historical profiles of PCBs (trichloro- and all other) in slices from dated sediment cores in Alaska, Canada, and Finland Median age of each slice is given on the vertical axis The green lines [..]
Historical profiles of PCBs (trichloro- and all other) in slices from dated sediment cores in Alaska, Canada, and Finland Median age of each slice is given on the vertical axis The green lines indicate the source function of PCBs

Distribution of Cd levels (age adjusted to 69 years, Svalbard adult) in liver tissue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

Distribution of Cd levels (age adjusted to 69 years, Svalbard adult) in liver tissue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
Distribution of Cd levels (age adjusted to 69 years, Svalbard adult) in liver tissue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

Cadmium levels in kidney of adult ringed seals from Greenland and Svalbard Levels associated with potential for kidney damage are above 100-200 µg/g ww

Cadmium levels in kidney of adult ringed seals from Greenland and Svalbard Levels associated with potential for kidney damage are above 100-200 µg/g ww
Cadmium levels in kidney of adult ringed seals from Greenland and Svalbard Levels associated with potential for kidney damage are above 100-200 µg/g ww

Estimated ground deposition of nuclear weapons fallout of 137Cs based on precipitation data, decay corrected to 1995

Estimated ground deposition of nuclear weapons fallout of 137Cs based on precipitation data, decay corrected to 1995
Estimated ground deposition of nuclear weapons fallout of 137Cs based on precipitation data, decay corrected to 1995

Compartment model used to assess doses from releases of radioactive materials to the atmosphere from nuclear testing

Compartment model used to assess doses from releases of radioactive materials to the atmosphere from nuclear testing
Compartment model used to assess doses from releases of radioactive materials to the atmosphere from nuclear testing

Geographical distribution of sample information in the AMAP radioactivity database

Geographical distribution of sample information in the AMAP radioactivity database
Geographical distribution of sample information in the AMAP radioactivity database

Available data in the AMAP radioactivity database as a function of time

Available data in the AMAP radioactivity database as a function of time
Available data in the AMAP radioactivity database as a function of time

Ranges and average values of 137Cs activity concentrations in food products, from data in the AMAP radioactivity database

Ranges and average values of 137Cs activity concentrations in food products, from data in the AMAP radioactivity database
Ranges and average values of 137Cs activity concentrations in food products, from data in the AMAP radioactivity database

Ground deposition of 137Cs from the Chernoybl accident (values normalised to May 10, 1986)

Ground deposition of 137Cs from the Chernoybl accident (values normalised to May 10, 1986)
Ground deposition of 137Cs from the Chernoybl accident (values normalised to May 10, 1986)

Cs-137 activity concentrations in surface seawater in 1979 and 1982

Cs-137 activity concentrations in surface seawater in 1979 and 1982
Cs-137 activity concentrations in surface seawater in 1979 and 1982

Seawater concentrations of 137Cs in the Barents and East Greenland Seas compared to the yearly releases from Sellafield

Seawater concentrations of 137Cs in the Barents and East Greenland Seas compared to the yearly releases from Sellafield
Seawater concentrations of 137Cs in the Barents and East Greenland Seas compared to the yearly releases from Sellafield

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