Total mercury concentrations in blood of mothers, pregnant women and women of child-bearing age in the circumpolar countries

Total mercury concentrations in blood of mothers, pregnant women and women of child-bearing age in the circumpolar countries
Total mercury concentrations in blood of mothers, pregnant women and women of child-bearing age in the circumpolar countries

Trends in non-marine sulfate, alkalinity, non-marine base cations, and pH

Trends in non-marine sulfate, alkalinity, non-marine base cations, and pH for lakes on the Kola Peninsula
Trends in non-marine sulfate, alkalinity, non-marine base cations, and pH

Length distributions of minnows caught by electrofishing in the Joulujärvi area

Length distributions of minnows caught by electrofishing in the Joulujärvi area (sites 6 and 7), and in the Äälisjärvi area (sites 16 and 20) in 1993 and 2000
Length distributions of minnows caught by electrofishing in the Joulujärvi area

Data for Lake Otervatn in eastern Finnmark, showing alkalinity and brown trout catch per unit effort

Data for Lake Otervatn in eastern Finnmark, showing (a) alkalinity (μeq/L) and (b) brown trout catch per unit effort (CPUE, expressed in number of fish caught per 100 m2 of gill net area) since 1986, [..]
Data for Lake Otervatn in eastern Finnmark, showing alkalinity and brown trout catch per unit effort

Monthly averaged aerosol optical depth anomalies at Barrow for March and April

Monthly averaged aerosol optical depth anomalies at Barrow (Alaska) for March and April. The anomalies are relative to a base of non-volcanic years. Data from 1992 and 1993 were removed due to [..]
Monthly averaged aerosol optical depth anomalies at Barrow for March and April

The Kola Ecoregion survey area and major industrial centers

The Kola Ecoregion survey area and major industrial centers
The Kola Ecoregion survey area and major industrial centers

Transect west–east across the survey area and through the industrial zone centered on Monchegorsk and Apatity in 1995

Transect west–east across the survey area and through the industrial zone centered on Monchegorsk and Apatity in 1995, showing: (a) pH in a water extract of the O-horizon of podzol soils; (b) [..]
Transect west–east across the survey area and through the industrial zone centered on Monchegorsk and Apatity in 1995

Transect west–east across the survey area and through the industrial zone centered on Nikel and Zapolyarnyy in 1995

Transect west–east across the survey area and through the industrial zone centered on Nikel and Zapolyarnyy in 1995, showing (a) pH in a water extract of the O-horizon of podzol soils; (b) [..]
Transect west–east across the survey area and through the industrial zone centered on Nikel and Zapolyarnyy in 1995

Surface water runoff from the Dalelva catchment, northeastern Norway, 2001–2003

Surface water runoff from the Dalelva catchment, northeastern Norway, 2001–2003. (a) streamwater flow and pH, (b) non-marine concentrations of sulfate and base cations, and (c) chloride and non-marine [..]
Surface water runoff from the Dalelva catchment, northeastern Norway, 2001–2003

Annual consumption of traditional food in and Kanchalan

Annual consumption of traditional food in (a) Uelen (coastal Chukchi and Inuit) and (b) Kanchalan (inland Chukchi), on the Chukotka Peninsula, north-east Russia
Annual consumption of traditional food in and Kanchalan

Monthly averaged light scattering and absorption at 550 nm by <10 μm aerosol at Barrow and black carbon concentrations at Alert

Monthly averaged light scattering and absorption at 550 nm by <10 μm aerosol at Barrow (Alaska) and black carbon concentrations at Alert (Canada)
Monthly averaged light scattering and absorption at 550 nm by <10 μm aerosol at Barrow and black carbon concentrations at Alert

Time series of monthly averaged particulate sulfate and nitrate concentrations at Alert and Barrow

Time series of monthly averaged particulate sulfate and nitrate concentrations at Alert (Canada) and Barrow (Alaska)
Time series of monthly averaged particulate sulfate and nitrate concentrations at Alert and Barrow

Transect south–north across the survey area near the western boundary in 1995

Transect south–north across the survey area near the western boundary in 1995, showing: (a) pH in a water extract of the O-horizon; (b) ammonium acetate extractable (pH 4.5) base cation concentrations [..]
Transect south–north across the survey area near the western boundary in 1995

Ammonium acetate extractable Ca and Mg in the O-horizon of soils

Ammonium acetate extractable Ca and Mg in the O-horizon of soils (x-axis) vs. their total concentrations (aqua regia extractable) in the C-horizon of soils and in moss in 1995
Ammonium acetate extractable Ca and Mg in the O-horizon of soils

A comparison of the two west–east transects across the survey area in 1995

A comparison of the two west–east transects across the survey area in 1995, showing changes from east to west in (a) total Al (nitric acid) and exchangeable Al concentrations in the O-horizon; (b) [..]
A comparison of the two west–east transects across the survey area in 1995

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