Mean surface air concentrations of sulfur oxides

Mean surface air concentrations of sulfur oxides (i.e., sulfur dioxide plus sulfate) and nitrate in 2000
Mean surface air concentrations of sulfur oxides

Total deposition of sulfur oxides

Total deposition of sulfur oxides (i.e., sulfur dioxide plus sulfate) and nitrate in 2000
Total deposition of sulfur oxides

Time series of measured and modeled monthly concentrations of sulfur dioxide, sulfate, and nitrate at Tustervann , Norway

Time series of measured and modeled monthly concentrations of sulfur dioxide, sulfate, and nitrate at Tustervann , Norway
Time series of measured and modeled monthly concentrations of sulfur dioxide, sulfate, and nitrate at Tustervann , Norway

Nickel levels in urine from newborn children in different areas of Russia and Norway

Nickel levels in urine from newborn children in different areas of Russia and Norway
Nickel levels in urine from newborn children in different areas of Russia and Norway

Atmospheric sulphur cycle

Atmospheric sulphur cycle
Atmospheric sulphur cycle

Critical loads of acidity for soils

Critical loads of acidity for terrestrial ecosystems in northern Europe and Canada north of 60 degrees N.
Critical loads of acidity for soils

Sulphur dioxide concentrations in air and emissions from the smelter at Nikel

Annual SO2 concentrations in air at ground level at the Svanvik monitoring station, and SO2 emissions from the non-ferrous metal smelters at Nikel
Sulphur dioxide concentrations in air and emissions from the smelter at Nikel

SO2 concentration at the Svanvik monitoring station

Annual SO2 concentration in air at ground level at the Svanvik monitoring station and SO2 emissions from the non-ferrous metal smelters at Nikel
SO2 concentration at the Svanvik monitoring station

Ozone soundings at Sodankylä, Finland, 23 March 1995 The green line denotes the profile of partial pressure of ozone observed during the (type 2) anomaly The red line shows the monthly mean ozone profile for March

Ozone soundings at Sodankylä, Finland, 23 March 1995 The green line denotes the profile of partial pressure of ozone observed during the (type 2) anomaly The red line shows the monthly mean ozone [..]
Ozone soundings at Sodankylä, Finland, 23 March 1995 The green line denotes the profile of partial pressure of ozone observed during the (type 2) anomaly The red line shows the monthly mean ozone profile for March

Traditional Inuit slit goggles from Greenland; the goggles protect the eyes against ultraviolet radiation

Traditional Inuit slit goggles from Greenland; the goggles protect the eyes against ultraviolet radiation
Traditional Inuit slit goggles from Greenland; the goggles protect the eyes against ultraviolet radiation

Human health study locations in Greenland and the Faeroe Islands; Disko Bay was the main area studied under the AMAP monitoring programme (1994-96)

Human health study locations in Greenland and the Faeroe Islands; Disko Bay was the main area studied under the AMAP monitoring programme (1994-96)
Human health study locations in Greenland and the Faeroe Islands; Disko Bay was the main area studied under the AMAP monitoring programme (1994-96)

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood lead concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood lead concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark
Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood lead concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood mercury concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood mercury concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark
Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood mercury concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood cadmium concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood cadmium concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark
Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood cadmium concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood selenium concentrations in East and North Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood selenium concentrations in East and North Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark
Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood selenium concentrations in East and North Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

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