Location: Vienna, Austria
Venue: Schoenbrunn Palace Conference Centre: 'Apothecaries' Wing
Contact: Dr. Bernd Kopacek, MSc. International CARE Electronics Office, A-1140 Vienna, Gurkgasse 43/2
Tel: +43-1-2982020
Fax: +43-1-8760661-9
Email: info@care-electronics.net
Info: www.care-electronics.net
The International CARE Electronics Office is pleased to announce the Going Green – CARE INNOVATION 2010 conference and exhibition on Electronics and the Environment. It will take place in the marvellous Schoenbrunn Palace Conference Centre Vienna (Austria, Europe) from November 8 – 11, 2010, which is situated in the Apothecaries’ Wing of the famous Emperor´s castle.
This year’s program will feature the latest in environmental design, clean manufacturing, energy-efficiency, climate change, new eco-efficient technologies, collection, reverse logistics/trade-in, refurbishment, carbon trading, re-use, remarketing, recycling and policy making from leading experts in industry, academia, consulting, recyclers and public area around the globe.
All companies in the electr(on)ics, automotive, solar and PV, chemical and recycling industry, power suppliers, electricity generators and distributors, contract manufacturers, material and component suppliers, service and logistic companies, collective systems, academia, consulting and public authorities (local, regional, international) are invited to attend and contribute.