Location: Szentendre, Hungary Ady Endre ut 9-11
Venue: REC Conference Center
Contact: Programme and registration info: Raisa Gerasina Logistics info: Eva Peto
Email: rgerasina@rec.org | epeto@rec.org
Telephone: + 36 26 504 000
Fax: + 36 26 301 191
We face a massive global challenge to address the issue of man-made climate change, and in particular, the role which transport plays within that. With a global car fleet predicted to triple by 2050 - over 80% of that in developing countries - and now, with a global economy facing huge difficulties, we have to find a way to reconcile legitimate aspirations for mobility, an ambitious reduction in CO2 from cars worldwide, and global economic recovery.
GFEI supported by G8, IPCC targets and recent moves by the US, Japan and India, believe that a move across the global fleet towards far better fuel economy at a scale which is already technically achievable, could save over 6 billion barrels of oil per year by 2050, and close to half of CO2 emissions from cars, as well as generate significant local air pollution benefits - all using existing, cost-effective technologies. This is simply too good to ignore. The FIA Foundation, IEA, ITF and UNEP have been working in partnership as the Global Fuel Economy Initiative since 2008, and have now launched the 50by50 challenge, to take these ideas forward.
Our objective is to promote further research, discussion and action to improve fuel economy worldwide. We intend that this work will be intensely practical, and focused on making a real difference - from working with governments in developing policies to encourage fuel economy improvement for vehicles produced or sold in their countries, to supporting regional awareness initiatives that provide consumers and decision makers with the information they need to make informed choices.
The four core activities of the GFEI are: data development and analysis of fuel economy potentials by country and region; support for national and regional policy-making efforts; outreach to stakeholders (e.g. vehicle manufacturers); information campaigns around the world to educate consumers and stakeholders.
This symposium [in partnership with EAST and the REC and hosted in Hungary at their conference centre] will enable attendees to share experience, build understanding and to begin to build a regional policy engagement network in order to promote greater fuel economy policies. Attendees will be able to share their experience with others, learn what strategies they have deployed, and gain valuable insights into the wider context of fuel economy policy.
This will be an invitation-only event which will bring together as many people with a real engagement in the issue as possible including amongst others: