Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Venue: Istanbul Bilgi University, Santral Istanbul Campus
Contact: Pinar Akpinar
Email: pinar.akpinar@rec.org.tr
Info: www.sustainabilityseminars.info
The programme has been developed by the Regional Environmental Center (the REC) together with Venice International University, Agroinnova - University of Turin and Istanbul Bilgi University based on the needs of government and other stakeholders. The wide range of seminars will provide participants deeper knowledge on current sustainable development issues and its practical contexts both on a global and regional basis. The seminar series is intended to bring together different stakeholders in upper management and to enable a platform of sharing and partnerships towards attaining the goal of sustainable development. The relationship of the three pillars of sustainable development will be assessed and participants will find the opportunity to have a deeper insight on selected issues like climate change, sustainable resources management and water management. The seminar series will focus on Climate Change and Sustainable Resource Management in 2010.
The program is primarily funded by the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea.
The secretariat of the Seminar Series is currently at the REC Turkey Country Office.
The application period for attending the 2010 Seminar Series is now OPEN.