Location: Štrbské Pleso, High Tatra, Slovakia
Venue: Hotel Patria
Contact: Gabriela Stuchla
Tel: 00421-41-5166661, 5006977
Fax: 00421-41-5006977
Email: nmc@internet.sk
Info: www.nmc.sk.
We are taking this opportunity to inform you that we have launched the preparation of next annual experts’ conference Enviro-management 2010, which will, traditionally, take place in autumn in High Tatra in Slovakia.
Landfills and waste storage in Europe has been chosen as the main theme of discussion for 2010.
We are aware if the fact that this is a wide and often controversial theme. That is why we think it is important to create space for in depth discussion among experts. Only through open exchange of experiences we can find suitable solutions.
We would be pleased to welcome you at the conference and give you opportunity to present your practical experience.
Exchange of Technologies
An exchange among waste processing operators and producers of environmental technologies will be part of the conference as well.
Target group:
Mayors and elected representatives of municipalities, cities and regions with responsibilities for:
* waste management,
* construction and operation of waste management systems,
* financing of waste collection and disposal programs,
* selection and approval of waste disposal projects.
Representatives of state and public administration with responsibilities for:
* development of waste management strategies and plans;
* preparation of national legal norms according to EU directives;
* inspection and monitoring of legislative norms dealing with waste processing and disposal;
* environmental impact assessment;
* financing and support of projects and investments focusing on area of environment protection.
Technical management and operators of landfills and operations for waste recovery
Representatives of academic sector and wider experts’ public, research and development workers and independent experts specialized on the area of environment and its protection.
Suppliers of technologies and systems for waste disposal and recycling.
Best regards
Gabriela Stuchlá - Conference coordinator
RNDr. Ján ?apó – Technical sponsor