

    Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea



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Russian Arctic 

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 Russian Arctic

GEF PDF-B and Associated Projects


The GEF PDF-B Project "Support to the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment from Anthropogenic Pollution in the Russian Federation" was signed between UNEP and ACOPS in August 1999 (GF/1100-99-13), and was completed on 31 December 2001. In addition to the UNEP GEF Trust Fund, the Project was co-financed by the governments of the Russian Federation, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and the United States as well as the GPA Co-ordination Office.


The main objectives of this Project were:


  • review and evaluation of relevant legislation and administrative arrangements at federal and regional levels;


  • identification, characterisation, and prioritisation of environmental hot-spots;


  • analysis of pollutant transport mechanisms and zones of impact; and,


  • analysis of the existing practice in preparation of pre-investment studies in the Russian  Federation, as well as development of guidelines for their future preparation.


Click Here to view and download relevant documentation



In parallel with the project, the following activities were carried out:


  • identification of existing capacity for environmental management in the Arctic;


  • programme of measures for radioactive waste and nuclear materials treatment;


  • storage and disposal, as well as development of proposals for restoring the environment at decommissioned military bases in the Russian Arctic (especially in coastal zones); and,


  • preparation (in co-operation with organisations of indigenous peoples) of the Arctic Charter to ensure protection of the habitat and traditional lifestyle of ethnic groups and communities, and their participation in matters related to development in areas they have traditionally inhabited and used.


Click Here to view and download relevant documentation




GEF PDF-B and Associated Projects



    Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea



Home Page

ACOPS Officers



UK Oil Pollution Survey


Russian Arctic

Russian Arctic 

GEF Project



African Process

Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa






Parliamentary Debates

Earlier Initiatives


Contact Details




 Russian Arctic

GEF PDF-B and Associated Projects


The GEF PDF-B Project "Support to the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment from Anthropogenic Pollution in the Russian Federation" was signed between UNEP and ACOPS in August 1999 (GF/1100-99-13), and was completed on 31 December 2001. In addition to the UNEP GEF Trust Fund, the Project was co-financed by the governments of the Russian Federation, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and the United States as well as the GPA Co-ordination Office.


The main objectives of this Project were:


  • review and evaluation of relevant legislation and administrative arrangements at federal and regional levels;


  • identification, characterisation, and prioritisation of environmental hot-spots;


  • analysis of pollutant transport mechanisms and zones of impact; and,


  • analysis of the existing practice in preparation of pre-investment studies in the Russian  Federation, as well as development of guidelines for their future preparation.


Click Here to view and download relevant documentation



In parallel with the project, the following activities were carried out:


  • identification of existing capacity for environmental management in the Arctic;


  • programme of measures for radioactive waste and nuclear materials treatment;


  • storage and disposal, as well as development of proposals for restoring the environment at decommissioned military bases in the Russian Arctic (especially in coastal zones); and,


  • preparation (in co-operation with organisations of indigenous peoples) of the Arctic Charter to ensure protection of the habitat and traditional lifestyle of ethnic groups and communities, and their participation in matters related to development in areas they have traditionally inhabited and used.


Click Here to view and download relevant documentation





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