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This document presents the win-win situation which resulted between the ICPDR, GEF/UNDP, EU and the Danube countries and their diverse peoples after 15 years of developing “integrated river basin management” (IRBM) in the Danube Basin.

This document presents the win-win situation which resulted between the ICPDR, GEF/UNDP, EU and the Danube countries and their diverse peoples after 15 years of developing “integrated river basin management” (IRBM) in the Danube Basin. It includes the key political decisions made and their results – from the development of new programmes, institutions and the convention to environmental progress. Lessons learned in applying IRBM are also presented with the hope of their transferability to other basins, as is the Danube outlook for the next 15 years. This document celebrates the end and outputs of GEF/UNDP efforts in the Danube Basin, and also presents the strong foundations for the future work of the ICPDR.


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Last Edit: 2008-11-17