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The European Commission launched the PLATINA project to implement efficiently actions and measures promoting inland waterway transport. The project brings together 22 partners from 9 European countries and aims to serve as a platform for helping to implement the European inland navigation programme NAIADES.

The Plantina consortium is a platform for the implementation of the EU NAIADES action programme and it is funded with 8.35 M € under the FP 7 Programme. The project, which is coordinated by via donau runs from June 2008 until May 2012. PLATINA is aiming to promote and strengthen an environment-friendly waterway transport in Europe in 5 areas: Markets, Fleet, Jobs & Skills, Image and Infrastructure.

The ICPDR has a small input into Sub-work Package 5.1 “Technical support for European IWT infrastructure development plan” and is coordinating Sub-work Package 5.3 “Interdisciplinary dialogue on sustainable waterway management”, executed together with Boku university, via donau and Inland Navigation Europe (INE).

ICPDR’s current work under PLATINA

The first SWP 5.3 deliverable, an “Integrative study on hydro-morphological alterations along the Danube” will be completed by Boku university in autumn 2009.

The ICPDR Secretariat is currently preparing the 2nd and 3rd deliverables:

  • Contribution to a Manual on best practices in sustainable waterway planning and
  • three training workshops on integrated planning for waterway planning officials and diverse national and international stakeholders: The first workshop was held from 9-10 June 2009 in Zagreb (HR) together with ISRBC; the second workshop was held from 15-16 September 2009 in Ruse (BG) and the third workshop will be held in 2011.

Both deliverables serve to present best practice examples on ecological waterway management that are in line with the Joint Statement and the Danube River Basin Management Plan. This Plan is the key document required under the EU Water Framework Directive and is currently in the public consultation phase


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Last Edit: 2009-10-14