Projects & Programmes
Co-operation with the French GEF
The French Global Environment Facility (FGEF) is undertaking a project entitled “Transboundary River Basin Management of the Koros/Crisuri Rivers”, which focuses on a sub-basin within the Tisza River Basin, and aims to improve the capacity of the Romanian-Hungarian Commission by strengthening the Romanian and Hungarian water management organisations. The project “assists in the preparation of the basin characterization and procedures for a preliminary transboundary, harmonized management plan in accordance with the recommendations of the EU Water Framework Directives.”
Co-operation with daNUbs
The EU-funded daNUbs I research project involved a large international and interdisciplinary research team from 16 partner institutions, co-ordinated by the Institute for Water Quality and Waste Management at the Vienna University of Technology. Currently the daNUbs II project focusing on the dissemination of the findings of daNubs I is in preparation.
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