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On 26-28 Feb 2006 an international conference on the Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Danube Delta took place in Odessa, Ukraine, under the aegis of UNESCO and ICPDR.

The aim of the conference was to generate a vision for the conservation and sustainable develoment of the Danube Delta.

On 27 -28 Feb 2006 an international conference on the Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Danube Delta took place in Odessa, Ukraine, under the aegis of UNESCO and ICPDR.

Main objective - a "vision" for the Danube Delta

The main objective of the Conference was to promote the conservation and sustainable development of the Danube Delta in a holistic, cooperative manner. To achieve this objective relevant information on the conservation and sustainable development of the Danube Delta must be collated and make available to all participants. In addition a shared `vision` for the future of Danube Delta must be developed in accordance with international conventions, agreements and programmes.

The conference brought together over 100 actors from each of the three countries sharing the Danube Delta, including governmental offcials, local mayors, representatives of industry and business, non-governmental organizations, scientists, as well as representatives of the European Commission and of international organizations.

All joint forces to help to define the `vision` for the conservation and sustainable development of the Danube Delta covering ecological, social, economic and cultural dimensions.

Danube Delta Conference Conclusions (PDF, 117.2KB)

Vision for the conservation and sustainable development of the Danube Delta

Welcome Statement of ICPDR on behalf of International Organisations (Istvan Öri, ICPDR President 2005) (PDF, 415.8KB)

Welcome Statement of ICPDR on behalf of International Organisations (Istvan Öri, ICPDR President 2005)


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Last Edit: 2006-03-17