News & events
IMPacTs of clIMaTe chaNge IN souTh-easT euRoPe
A report by the European Centre for Nature Conservation (ECNC) describes
the impacts of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystems for South-
East Europe (SEE). Many SEE regions are areas most vulnerable to climate
change where the highest future impacts of climate change can be expected,
such as increased flooding, crop failure and changes in species distribution.
The ECNC is an independent organisation working for the conservation and
sustainable use of nature, biodiversity and landscapes.
For more information, please visit: www.ecnc.org
djeRdaP NaTIoNal PaRk oPeNs VIsIToR ceNTRe
Located in the northeast part of Serbia at the border to Romania, the Djerdap
National Park has opened a new Visitor’s Centre. The Centre features
exhibits on the history, culture and flora and fauna species of the region.
The national park includes many natural and cultural values, including the
Lepenski vir archaeological site, the Golubac fortress and the Djerdap gorge
– the Iron Gate.
For more information, please visit: www.npdjerdap.org
RePoRT oN baThINg waTeR qualITy
The European Commission has published a report on the water quality of
bathing areas, covering coastal and freshwater bathing areas where bathing
is explicitly authorised or is traditionally practised. During bathing season
Member States monitor and report on bathing water quality against minimum
standards for physical, chemical and biological parameters. Maintaining
high quality bathing water is vital to the health of millions of people who
enjoy swimming in seas, rivers or lakes during the summer months.
For more information, please visit:
PolluTaNT Release aNd TRaNsfeR RegIsTeR lauNched
After more than seven years of development the German online Pollutant
Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) was launched in Berlin in June 2009.
The PRTR offers online information on pollutants released into air, water or
soil by industries, factory farming, sewage works or other possible polluters.
Access to the register is free of charge. Some 45,000 interested online visitors
per day were registered in just the first two days after the launch.
For more information, please visit:
7–8/10/2009 haMbuRg, geRMaNy
sIxTh sedNeT coNfeReNce: The Role of sedIMeNTs
IN coasTal MaNageMeNT
European concerns over the issue of sediment management are growing as revealed by River Basin Management Plans which are to be published in 2009 under the EU Water Framework Directive. Ongoing river restoration projects in Hamburg coincide with dredging needs, a topic serving as the key element for this conference, which aims to enhance the cross-cutting science-policy dialogue.
For more information: www.sednet.org
20–2 /10/2009 ZheNgZhou, chINa
fouRTh INTeRNaTIoNal yellow RIVeR foRuM
Organised every second year, the Forum will focus on ‘Ecological Civilization and River Ethics’ in the framework of integrated river basin management. It also aims to promote public awareness of river protection, appeal to the greater society to strengthen river management, and formulate harmonious coexistence between humans and rivers. A small ICPDR delegation will participate in the Forum and share the lessons learned from the Danube Basin.
For more information: www.yrcc.gov.cn/trsweb/gjlt3e/

TRaNsNaTIoNal MoNIToRINg NeTwoRk yeaRbook 2006
The Transnational Monitoring Network (TNMN) Yearbook 2006 is out and illustrates the joint effort of the Danube countries to regularly measure the water quality of the Danube River. The TNMN Yearbook 2006 contains background information, a basic overview of the water quality status as well as all figures and tables currently available.
See http://www.icpdr.org/icpdr-pages/tnmn_yearbooks.htm

ThaNk you, Željko osTojIc
For many years Željko Ostojic, Head of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management, led the Croatian Delegation to the ICPDR. Željko retired this spring and the ICPDR would like to thank him for all his efforts and wishes him good luck for the future.
The information contained in the ICPDR website is intended to enhance public access to information about the ICPDR and the Danube River. The information is correct to the best of the knowledge of the ICPDR Secretariat. If errors are brought to our attention we will try to correct them.
The ICPDR, expert group members, nor other parties involved in preparation of information contained on this website cannot, however, be held responsible for the correctness and validity of the data and information provided, nor accept responsibility or liability for damages or losses arising directly or indirectly from the use of the information conveyed therein.
Only those documents clearly marked ICPDR documents reflect the position of the ICPDR.
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