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Maps of the Analysis of the Tisza River Basin 2007

Map 1: Overview (PDF, 2.5MB)

Tisza River Sub-basin, February 2008

Map 2: Relief and Topography (PDF, 2.6MB)

Tisza River Sub-basin, February 2008

Map 3: Annual Precipitation (PDF, 2.4MB)

Tisza River Sub-basin, February 2008

Map 6: Land Use (PDF, 3.6MB)

Tisza River Sub-basin, February 2008

Map 8: Surface Water Bodies (PDF, 2.6MB)

Tisza River Sub-basin, February 2008

Map 10a: Surface Waterbody Monitoring Stations (PDF, 1.6MB)

Tisza River Sub-basin, February 2008

Maps 4, 7, 15-23 (PDF, 3.6MB)

Surface Layers Permeability, Isohyets of the Multi-Annual Mean Precipitation, Mean Annual Runoff, Flood Defences (Hungary, Ukraine), Improvement of Flood Conveyance Capacity (Hungary), Flood (Hungary), Historic Flood, Flooded Areas during 1998-2006, Distribution of the Aridity Factor, Deviation...


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Last Edit: 2009-07-30